Well, I turned 21 last night, had a pretty okay party. Drank a copious amount of alcohol, haha. That Katy chick did come over, but only to tell me she had a boy friend and didn't dig me, ugh. That was when the heavy drinking started, haha. That really bummed me out. Ah well.
Hmm. Normally when I get on here to put a journal...
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Ha ha, way to pick up on that one, dude. And I did and it worked out well. r0xx0r, she is coming to my birthday party on Wednesday. I am pumped. I cannot wait. I am planning on drinking myself to a lower form of intelligence. Ahem. I really dig this chick. Aw, Katy...man, oh man.
The new Texas Chainsaw Massacre looks AWESOME.

Happy birthday!!!
happy birthday Ian. sorry i couldn't make it to your party or anything. i don't even really know if you had a party... i had to work... as always. i'll have to email you a picture of my boobs or something as a present.
and hey! now you can buy beer for Travis
*sigh* frown
*sigh* Katie..........frown
Okay, so I found out I had a ticket and a back stage pass available for me to go to Ozzfest tomorrow, however, my boss went all Gestapo at work and said if I go I lose my job. That is a far cry from kosher. I am really bummed out. But, I can get the same thing for Lollapalooza in Portland so it isn't...
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yes i'm happy
i dig you Ian
Yes, and that is great, however, not exactly what I was wanting. Ya know, the whole, you being married thing is a bit of a hang up. Blargh. *Ian
Well, I went over to Spokane last night to see 28 days later. After a terrible hassle to find a theatre showing it, I caught a late showing, and was hoping that the movie was worth not only the trip but the pain in the ass. So, yeah, it was. It is sort of funny to herald the cinematography of what amounts to a zombie...
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heh... glad you stoped by

picture's gone, so you can comment now biggrin
Ugh, ha ha, I totally blanked out at work today. I was selling tickets between movies, and I went over to help someone and when I went to ask what she wanted, I looked up to see a shockingly gorgeous asian girl, and I actually stammered unintelligibly before being able to ask her. I felt like such a huge dork, ugh. But, she was going...
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A 35 pound cat!!! Mister Tickles could eat my Fat Kitty. Wow... I try to give Fat Kitty raspberries on her tummy (since she's always lying on her side with her belly poking out), but end up with a mouth full of fur. Aww you put me as one of your current crushes. You're so sweet. Now you need to add random drop dead gorgeous asian chick onto that.
Just for you
The Coast r0xx0red. I had a really good time. We stopped at Deception Falls and despite a somewhat ominous name, it was such a great place. It felt so great to be in a place green with trees again. I was in heaven, haha. I made my mom walk the whole trail with me. She was winded after like a hundred feet, it was terrible....
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Blargh, I had a crappy night at work. And, I have to work at 9 in the morning tomorrow. Ugh. That is really early for someone that normally works at 6 at night. Then, after I finish putting movies together and taking the old ones apart, I have to come back from 6 to midnight. *shudder* I am going to be the walking dead.

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i never knew you played bass. that's awesome.
i'm going camping this weekend. gonna nap a lot and roast some marshmallows.
Hey you hope you have fun in seattle. i will make sure to get ahold of you and tell you how my movie experience went. sorry about leaving so abruptly you know how it is. my roomie calls and i follow lol hope to talk to you soon lotts of love
Blargh, I should go to sleep, I worked twelve hours today and do the same tomorrow, ugh. I have an undue amount of nervous energy, however, and cannot get to sleep. *sigh*
I watched all of the last Hellsing dvd, finally. And, yeah, it was cool, but it was another anime that I was disappointed in the ending. Ah well. Alucard and the Human Regenerator...
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work is no good. last week was exhausting, and it's just carrying over to this week cuz i don't get a day off till Saturday. (of course that's my own damn fault cuz i took the weekend off to go camping with my parents *sigh* can't expect to get four days off in a week)
it's just that i've been working nights for so long now that that's when i'm awake, and these goddamn morning shifts are killing me.
i wish i could take a nap with you.
All right, so I went to the *big* city yesterday to do some shopping. I bought some clothes and some new shoes, then I grabbed the fourth Hellsing DvD, and a bunch of comics. One of which was the the Trade Paperback to Origin, the story of Wolverine's past. I just finished reading it last night, and was pretty impressed. The art and the writing...
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ps i need to go see a movie... it's been forever
The matrix 2 was horirible, it was like a big music video or something.

But regardless, we have alot in common, and i guess i can get over the fact you like matrix... ::gives you a cookie::