Go on then, I'll do one of these 'serious' and 'deep' posts that are really 'personal'. Fuck it. It's easy. It has the air of anonyminity that helps. I'm allowed to gush every now and then aren't I?
So I've just been told off (over the infohighway supernetweb, no less) by a girl's friend (let us call the girl 'Flipper' and the friend 'Nonce'), who believed I used Flipper as what Nonce called "a sex toy". Now this 'sex toy' act has apparently been going on for a few weeks, whereby myself and Flipper have been meeting up at times, places and areas, doing stuff then doing.. Well.. 'Stuff'. Consenting, friendly, acceptable, both know what we're in for, both know it isn't serious. I call it off as I sense Flipper is into me more than I to her. I judge this to be the right thing to do, as I am more or less leading her on otherwise. This makes me a good person (to some extent) in my eyes. We part amicably and are still on good terms.
I then get a mutual friend asking why I 'fucked Flipper over'. I tell the story of what happened. I get the response: "Oh, that's not what we're being told. Sorry to accuse you." Then I get Nonce shouting me down over using and abusing Flipper. WHAT. THE. FUCK. ?.
I have no idea why I've posted this or what I'm on about, I'm just thoroughly confused and annoyed by things. Can't people just fuck off and mind their own business? I did nothing wrong. For once. And yet this is the time people pick to slag me off?
To all those dissing me: Fuck you.
Well, that felt nice.
P.S. Back to my usual 'bullshit about nothing' in my next journal update, don't you worry
So I've just been told off (over the infohighway supernetweb, no less) by a girl's friend (let us call the girl 'Flipper' and the friend 'Nonce'), who believed I used Flipper as what Nonce called "a sex toy". Now this 'sex toy' act has apparently been going on for a few weeks, whereby myself and Flipper have been meeting up at times, places and areas, doing stuff then doing.. Well.. 'Stuff'. Consenting, friendly, acceptable, both know what we're in for, both know it isn't serious. I call it off as I sense Flipper is into me more than I to her. I judge this to be the right thing to do, as I am more or less leading her on otherwise. This makes me a good person (to some extent) in my eyes. We part amicably and are still on good terms.
I then get a mutual friend asking why I 'fucked Flipper over'. I tell the story of what happened. I get the response: "Oh, that's not what we're being told. Sorry to accuse you." Then I get Nonce shouting me down over using and abusing Flipper. WHAT. THE. FUCK. ?.
I have no idea why I've posted this or what I'm on about, I'm just thoroughly confused and annoyed by things. Can't people just fuck off and mind their own business? I did nothing wrong. For once. And yet this is the time people pick to slag me off?
To all those dissing me: Fuck you.
Well, that felt nice.
P.S. Back to my usual 'bullshit about nothing' in my next journal update, don't you worry

Predator is my fav, but i love Runing Man for the old dear:
"no dear you can't vote for him, he's a runner."
"bullshit, i can bet on who i like, and i bet on Richards: that boy's one mean fucker!"
oh yeah, hello friend