I got a haul of about 200 pictures from my good friend Rhyds! (As seen on the left) - it documents our whole university career and I can see all my friend's changing images! Woo! Apart from Ben. He's been exactly the same since he was 16.
Me with long hair = wrong.
Still growing it back though...
Got to go out and say bye bye to Archie tonight. He's going back to New Zealand. He was crying last night.
Ah well, we have our black armbands and enough money between us to buy a small Pacific island, so drinking til we're sober, then drinking more til we either (a) puke, (b) fall over, or (c) fall over and puke.
It's a plan. If you happen to be in The Mill in Preston tonight come say byebye to Archie. He's the best man alive. Ever.
Oh, and I've been.. Ugh.. Working this week. In a job. Well, if you can call it a job. Driving around in a US Army truck throwing beans at freshers and getting paid for it! Woo! Most fun ever. Plus I have money for food, which is a bit of a novelty.
I've ranted long enough.
Take care peeps.
Me with long hair = wrong.
Still growing it back though...

Got to go out and say bye bye to Archie tonight. He's going back to New Zealand. He was crying last night.

It's a plan. If you happen to be in The Mill in Preston tonight come say byebye to Archie. He's the best man alive. Ever.
Oh, and I've been.. Ugh.. Working this week. In a job. Well, if you can call it a job. Driving around in a US Army truck throwing beans at freshers and getting paid for it! Woo! Most fun ever. Plus I have money for food, which is a bit of a novelty.
I've ranted long enough.
Take care peeps.

Driving around throwing beans at freshers sounds like so much fun.
"Take that, you bunch of measly, good-for-nothing first years!"
*flicks beans*
[inserts group of freshers starting to run after van here]
*manic evil laughter*
(sorry, I tend to get carried away with mental imagery)