I been thinking about how when I was in high school a lot of girls used to date older guys.
This would vex me greatly because the prime crop of hot ladies would all be snatched up with nothing good left for us younger guys.
What did they have that was so much better than us younger guys? Other than a fully developed penis.
Now being an older guy, much older. (and balder.) I've realized that this was no impossible feat. I figured out my own little scam.... or "Plan" called: how to get younger girls or Bangin' high school chicks be easy yos!
Their are three easy steps into a high school girls pants. They are a guaranteed to work for the main reasons that, A.)Teen girls want to be cool at all costs B.) Want to feel older and more mature and C.) That they have no self esteem whatsoever.
Step #1: Be old enough to buy them beer.
Legal age or fake ID, it doesn't matter. Just be able to get these little scallywags there alcohol of choice. A steady supply of Beer, hard liquor, coolers or what ever their swill is, is key. Drinking and getting drunk make you cool. Doing it every weekend, Christmas break, March Break and exams will make them feel Super fucking cool. Also feeling cool helps boost self esteem. Bonus.
Step #2: Being able to drive them around.
Weather it be to the mall, the after school hang out or back to her house after school for a quick fuck before her parents come home, being able to drive this little bitty around is very important. It not only raises her social status not having to ask her parents for rides or ride the bus but she has a boyfriend who drives. Which means he's older, which means he's mature, which also means that she is dating an older more mature guy. Therefore She is older and more mature. It can be demonstrated in this simple Mathematical formula:
(Older Guy + Driving)+Dating+(Teen girl)
= (mature older guy)+Dating+(Teen girl)
= mature older guy+Dating+(Teen girl - Being a loser)
= Relationship
= Older and more mature Girl.
And finally Step #3: Saying those three magic words "I love you" or Dropping the L-Bomb
This is the most important step and the most simplest. Even if you don't have the skill or power to complete step one and two this one can usually bring it home, unless of course she is a little stuck up teenage bitch.(Remember little stuck up teenage bitches grow up to be one of two things, Gold diggers or White trash. Having to bang an old smelly dude or being Fat and dirty will be there fate. Karma is funny like that.) Those three little words work as a sure fire cure for the Low/No self esteem. The teen girl will feel important and loved which she doesn't because A.) she has daddy Issues i.e. her dad is a loser reject who she feels doesn't love her and B.) She feels invisible and no one loves invisible people because they can't see them to love them. you loving her tells her that she is not invisible. I love you is like open sesame. That magic password that opens that secret cave that is full of treasure. You will be balls deep in treasure in no time.
So by following these three easy steps you will be knee deep in high school girls or at least knuckles deep.
unless you tell them you love them when they're drunk, in your car on the way to the mall, then Pull the car over for your high school girl home run, you Teen banging stud you.
This would vex me greatly because the prime crop of hot ladies would all be snatched up with nothing good left for us younger guys.
What did they have that was so much better than us younger guys? Other than a fully developed penis.
Now being an older guy, much older. (and balder.) I've realized that this was no impossible feat. I figured out my own little scam.... or "Plan" called: how to get younger girls or Bangin' high school chicks be easy yos!
Their are three easy steps into a high school girls pants. They are a guaranteed to work for the main reasons that, A.)Teen girls want to be cool at all costs B.) Want to feel older and more mature and C.) That they have no self esteem whatsoever.
Step #1: Be old enough to buy them beer.
Legal age or fake ID, it doesn't matter. Just be able to get these little scallywags there alcohol of choice. A steady supply of Beer, hard liquor, coolers or what ever their swill is, is key. Drinking and getting drunk make you cool. Doing it every weekend, Christmas break, March Break and exams will make them feel Super fucking cool. Also feeling cool helps boost self esteem. Bonus.
Step #2: Being able to drive them around.
Weather it be to the mall, the after school hang out or back to her house after school for a quick fuck before her parents come home, being able to drive this little bitty around is very important. It not only raises her social status not having to ask her parents for rides or ride the bus but she has a boyfriend who drives. Which means he's older, which means he's mature, which also means that she is dating an older more mature guy. Therefore She is older and more mature. It can be demonstrated in this simple Mathematical formula:
(Older Guy + Driving)+Dating+(Teen girl)
= (mature older guy)+Dating+(Teen girl)
= mature older guy+Dating+(Teen girl - Being a loser)
= Relationship
= Older and more mature Girl.
And finally Step #3: Saying those three magic words "I love you" or Dropping the L-Bomb
This is the most important step and the most simplest. Even if you don't have the skill or power to complete step one and two this one can usually bring it home, unless of course she is a little stuck up teenage bitch.(Remember little stuck up teenage bitches grow up to be one of two things, Gold diggers or White trash. Having to bang an old smelly dude or being Fat and dirty will be there fate. Karma is funny like that.) Those three little words work as a sure fire cure for the Low/No self esteem. The teen girl will feel important and loved which she doesn't because A.) she has daddy Issues i.e. her dad is a loser reject who she feels doesn't love her and B.) She feels invisible and no one loves invisible people because they can't see them to love them. you loving her tells her that she is not invisible. I love you is like open sesame. That magic password that opens that secret cave that is full of treasure. You will be balls deep in treasure in no time.
So by following these three easy steps you will be knee deep in high school girls or at least knuckles deep.
unless you tell them you love them when they're drunk, in your car on the way to the mall, then Pull the car over for your high school girl home run, you Teen banging stud you.

Maybe everyone else just wasnt in a commenting mood..