I think my parents bought me on the black market! I had to go today and get a new birth certificate and SS card, my parents had no record of me being born
That is freaking crazy. A norwegian american friend of mine went to get his drivers license but couldn't at first because his birth certificate listed his first and middle name as Baby Boy. Crazy guuubbbrnment.
Going to Lincoln tomm to see the family for my mother's b-day. Should be pretty fun, gonna go to some new thrift stores and go shopping in the big ole city!
Its official: I need to see a very good psychotherapist. I have an unhealthy obsession with Dawsons Creek and its unrealistically conversationally fluent characters.
Just found a really cool group. Its people with disabilities group. Finally i can hopefully talk to other people who have been through the same things as I have.
Just finished watching Dogma. I loooove that movie. Bought the new Greenday cd. Its alright, Dookie is still my favorite. Looking to apply at a local Cellular place here in town soo hopefully I can get off my lazy unemployed ass and make some money.
you could always take a dna test.