Soo its day 12 of me staying home and doing nothing afterwork. I hate not knowing anyone in my own town anymore. oh well im off to watch teenage mutant ninja turtles the moovie...COWABUNGA! EL SUICIDO LOCO
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH IAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU fuckin rule. OMG I was obsessed with that movie ( OK you know i still am) So i know you had fun watchin , the suspense just keeps you on the edge of your seat, even though youve had all the lines memorized since you were 6 years old. I LOVE IT. Hope we talk soon love Oh yeah, I wish i lived in your town, we could have a lot of "fun"!!!

[Edited on Nov 21, 2004 4:57PM]
OH HELL YA FALLEN IS ON! I just love that there denzel.... biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
Today was actually pretty good. Didnt have to wake up till noon. On my way to work found a new pack of marlboros in my glovebox and didnt have anyone bitch at me at work. If only all days were this good biggrin biggrin biggrin
HI IAN baby, IM so happy you had a good day. love I missin you frown
Found some awesome photographs on Siv's site. Only one problem..no $$$ frown frown No worries hopefully in the near future they will be mine. Other than that same shit diff day.. off to my 3 hrs of sleep mad
I just had to give you snaps for your icon -- Rampage was seriously the best game ever !
Its too damn cold too smoke! I know I know im going go do it anyway and just bitch about it rather than do what the weather is trying to tell me to do,,,,quit! Anyway on that note I gotta feed my lungs
Ian skull