Supposedly I start a new job on Mon. Have training over 100 miles away for a week and I have no Idea whats going on. Damn employers wont return my phone calls! I think people are passing the buck and I'm getting the shaft!!
you could always play the you know what card...which in all honesty is something i never do. but that just sounds weird.
is there anyone you can get a hold of? call them up and demand to know what's going on. be assertive. if you dont, they will give the job to someone else. work sucks alot of the time, but money is awesome!
Wow.. that sucks.. how fucking annoying .. is there any other way of getting in contact with them?? I am sure it will all work out! and thanks for the sweet comment on my last set!!
Sooooo..... ya Friday was baaaaad. I didnt think other peoples opinions or actions could affect me that much. I am never drinking that much again. Ok thats probably a lie but not the much that quick. I do apologize to the board/journals/groups I posted in that may include my non comprehensible/ rude if I was comments. Just very floored that night, probably the worst I... Read More
Easter rocked! I got to see my family who I haven't seen for a loooong ass time. Did nothing but sit around, drink wine and eat myself into a food induced coma. I loooved it!
and all i can tell you is that having spina bifida is the greatest screening process of all time. it will help you find girls that like you for you. and when a girl really likes you for who you are she will want to be with you no matter what you have or don't have control of. it took me a while to figure this out, but it's the best advice i can give you.
be yourself. SERIOUSLY. and the women will see what a great guy you are.
yea the dumb stuff i get myself into isnt fun at the time, but its almost always funny after the fact.
last night i found myself outside with my friend having a jump kicking contest.
Rode my bike yesterday for like 4-5 miles. First time I've done that in forever. Now I'm paying for it! My knees are killing me. My body must have a natural defense system against exercise.
I think my parents bought me on the black market! I had to go today and get a new birth certificate and SS card, my parents had no record of me being born
That is freaking crazy. A norwegian american friend of mine went to get his drivers license but couldn't at first because his birth certificate listed his first and middle name as Baby Boy. Crazy guuubbbrnment.
Going to Lincoln tomm to see the family for my mother's b-day. Should be pretty fun, gonna go to some new thrift stores and go shopping in the big ole city!
Its official: I need to see a very good psychotherapist. I have an unhealthy obsession with Dawsons Creek and its unrealistically conversationally fluent characters.