perhaps it's the warm weather, or maybe the fact that I have grown to really hate living in the sacramento area, but I've just been beyond tired lately. Almost to the point where doing simple daly things makes me exhausted and I think, "what's the point?"
I'm waiting on a transfer up to portland. New scene, more culture, lots of music and good food, and...
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thank you so much for your comment on my set kiss
thank you so much for your comment on my set kiss
Why is it that any republican/GOP nutjob can unleash any bullshit statement, and hardly a single question is asked, but when a more liberal or "moderate" person says anything, it's held under harsh scrutiny?

Is it because the moderate guy is expected to be comprehensive? And the conservative douche is just expected to sling whatever shit enters his head, in every direction he can?

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My trip was excellent, thank you for asking smile So many vintage shops and sooo much vegan food...mmm..
I wanted to thank you for your comment and support on Parallelism kiss
I really don't appreciate liars
Thank you for the sweet words you wrote in response to my previous blog Ian. I might submit a new set in the forthcoming weeks / months shot in Paris with two beautiful people (a member and SG on here).

And if YOU'RE a failure, than so am I... and so is she, and him, and that guy over there... her too...

I like this. :-)

(just read your latest message on my latest blog)


lovely you. If you ever come to Europe tell me, maybe we'll get to see each other irl, who knows smile. I'm between France, Switzerland, Italy and England.
The more time I spend going to San Fransico, the more I find myself enjoying "the city"
It makes me feel even better about my decision to move to Portland.
But preparation for that won't start until after my lil vacation at Disneyland (don't judge me, I love Disney... despite how evil it is, and how brainwashing it is to little kids).
Gotta figure out...
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Got my new camera, and am now ready for tomorrow's trip to San Fran to check out Chelsea Wolfe at the Noise Festival!!
As the storm rages on outside, I'm just trying to distract myself from having to go to work in a couple of hours. And driving down to what the hip kids call "the city" is making me hella antsy! I need some...
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Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland
So Portland? lol
yeah, pretty much.
moving this year
was filmed with a bunch of people to be in a music video
got a new pair of sunglasses
got a new book
got an orange creamsicle

not a bad day
How can a girlfriend I broke up with over 9 months ago, still make me want to die?
How can seeing her still make me turn my head so that she can't see my face?
How can the smallest thing remind me of her?
How can I be up in the middle of the night, wishing there was something to say, but knowing it wouldn't...
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Give yourself more time, sweetheart.
Everyone's wounds heal at a different pace
why do I constantly put myself in a state where I feel I need to be in a relationship?
I can survive fairly well without, and when I'm not thinking about it, I'm perfectly happy.
So to help get myself out of a funk, I decided to get more ink. YAY!!
Life always seems better after a fresh tattoo, and the physical pain helps as...
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I totttaally feel you on that one.
Trying to find some collaboration for a few songs I recorded years ago. Right now they're just vocals and acoustic guitar, which were alright for the time. But now I want to add to them. Bring in some drums, bass, more guitar/vocals, electronic textures... I want them to feel expansive and intense like post-rock, with drone qualities. Add noise, experimental ambience, waves of distortion...
I want music that sounds haunted, like it was made by ghosts, like my speakers will actually start pumping out dust, like rust is climbing up the walls, like its being played from a tape that's eating itself. Looping distortion, high reverb, echoed vocals, everything swallowing the sound of everything else. Music from a hole in the fabric of space, coming from a place of...
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