hey mom,
i really put alot of thought into our discussion and why i get tattoo'd and i really think that its a combonation of me wanting to seperate myself from others(i was always different than all my friends) and i believe that it makes my body look better. i know, i know, you dont agree and if you step back and think, you and dad are from a totally different time and things are different now. i dont know why dad always points out the negatives but smoked his entire life or that you have to have the cleanest house on the block, it all doesnt really matter to me. i accept it w/ out trying to figure out why. and i love you guys either way. it bothers me to see that you got so upset about my back. so i just want you guys to accept me and the things i do, and if you dont understand, then dont let it bother you. i do put alot of thought into the things that i have tattoo'd on me and some of them have deep meaning and some of them dont mean anything, but i think deeply about what i am doing before i have it done.
so i am gonna come home march 12th and return the 14th to get my back hopefully all colored in, plus i am still comeing home easter.
cant wait to see you guys!
love, your son
that was an email i sent to my mom. my mom and i have a very close relationship. it's probably because i am the youngest and im a boy. despite what my ex's say im not a momma's boy. so she picked me up from the train station after spending 5 hours working on my back tattoo and i was shook up. the back is fucking intense. it hurts. and she asked where i was at and i told her. so we had this long discussion on why i get tattoo'd and that's the best i can figure out. i dont really know exactly why but it is what it is.
to support my theroy on the how the back feels, read what most said.....
edited to insert mom's reply:
Dear Son, U could get a tattoo on your nose and we would still love U. But I do
think U like to shock us.
We will look forward,as always , to your visit in March! Love,no matter what U
awww...i'm loved
p.s. she doesnt know about my arm either. she's not gonna be happy.
i really put alot of thought into our discussion and why i get tattoo'd and i really think that its a combonation of me wanting to seperate myself from others(i was always different than all my friends) and i believe that it makes my body look better. i know, i know, you dont agree and if you step back and think, you and dad are from a totally different time and things are different now. i dont know why dad always points out the negatives but smoked his entire life or that you have to have the cleanest house on the block, it all doesnt really matter to me. i accept it w/ out trying to figure out why. and i love you guys either way. it bothers me to see that you got so upset about my back. so i just want you guys to accept me and the things i do, and if you dont understand, then dont let it bother you. i do put alot of thought into the things that i have tattoo'd on me and some of them have deep meaning and some of them dont mean anything, but i think deeply about what i am doing before i have it done.
so i am gonna come home march 12th and return the 14th to get my back hopefully all colored in, plus i am still comeing home easter.
cant wait to see you guys!
love, your son
that was an email i sent to my mom. my mom and i have a very close relationship. it's probably because i am the youngest and im a boy. despite what my ex's say im not a momma's boy. so she picked me up from the train station after spending 5 hours working on my back tattoo and i was shook up. the back is fucking intense. it hurts. and she asked where i was at and i told her. so we had this long discussion on why i get tattoo'd and that's the best i can figure out. i dont really know exactly why but it is what it is.
to support my theroy on the how the back feels, read what most said.....
edited to insert mom's reply:
Dear Son, U could get a tattoo on your nose and we would still love U. But I do
think U like to shock us.
We will look forward,as always , to your visit in March! Love,no matter what U
awww...i'm loved

p.s. she doesnt know about my arm either. she's not gonna be happy.

you must need your eyes checked.