i am going back home(chicago) to the people i love this weekend. mom and dad(married for 4 billion years) only sister w/ her hubby and 5
kids all under the age of ten. thats right, im an uncle....they call me uncle stoney instead of tony and the kids are still on the debate team on weather or not im an adult or a kid? im not even sure of that one.
gonna get my back tattoo finised on saturday, yup, im single and thats my only plans
. and ill try and start my harley after a long winters rest.
p.s. mom is gonna be PISSED OFF at the new back tat
she doesnt have any idea. can i say that all of you in sg land made me do it? me=wussy
pss someone PLEASE tell me the coloring doesnt hurt as much as the outline...i have a a feeling it's all just plain OWWIE on the back.

gonna get my back tattoo finised on saturday, yup, im single and thats my only plans

p.s. mom is gonna be PISSED OFF at the new back tat

pss someone PLEASE tell me the coloring doesnt hurt as much as the outline...i have a a feeling it's all just plain OWWIE on the back.

it's all just plain owwie on the back. sorry hun. hopefully yours won't bleed as much as mine. when they got to the third color or so it was bleedin buckets!
but i'm a wussy girl and you're a big tough guy so you can handle it. thanks for the funny jokes.