Good Things About a Cold Snap
Less upsetting when some guy flips you the mitten instead of the finger
Naked guys on D-train now wearing Speedos
Unbearable stench of East River upgraded to just a "sickening smell"
Actually enjoyable to spill scalding hot McDonald's coffee on your lap
Husbands of Anna Nicole Smith stay fresher longer
Thrill of realizing your "reflection" in ice of Hudson River is actually a mob informant
oh yea, i just realized that i have reached the top of not being a guy's guy. i have no idea who's in the superbowl and if i had to bet, i would put money on the team w/ the cooler uniforms.
Less upsetting when some guy flips you the mitten instead of the finger
Naked guys on D-train now wearing Speedos
Unbearable stench of East River upgraded to just a "sickening smell"
Actually enjoyable to spill scalding hot McDonald's coffee on your lap
Husbands of Anna Nicole Smith stay fresher longer
Thrill of realizing your "reflection" in ice of Hudson River is actually a mob informant

oh yea, i just realized that i have reached the top of not being a guy's guy. i have no idea who's in the superbowl and if i had to bet, i would put money on the team w/ the cooler uniforms.
i'd probably assume he was waving, but then i'm not a new yorker.