So I've been a right good girl lately and I'm all on top of my drawings and shit and my weekend is (mostly) free and my type s personality is craving a serious adrenyline fix. Does anyone have any plans for the weekend like jumping off cliffs, drag racing (I need to borrow a car) or. . .I don't know, shit, finding some hos and bustin' some caps in some so and so's ass?
Or, baring that, is anyone up for pool tomorrow night? I haven't played in ages and it's a fairly cost effective thingie to do. Hell, if there's a crowd, maybe drinks and snacks back at my place afterwards? Trash the place all you like because it's already a mess.
I also hear that Thomas amusements is in town. I think they might be set up by now - anyone up for hittin the traditional rides and trying to shoot some wooden ducks with rigged guns on Sunday night? I kick ass at controlling the rockoplane but can't ride that ufo-looking thing that spins you around and lifts you up off the floor with the force of it's. . .rotation. . .force thingie. It makes my spine cry.
Any takers?
Or, baring that, is anyone up for pool tomorrow night? I haven't played in ages and it's a fairly cost effective thingie to do. Hell, if there's a crowd, maybe drinks and snacks back at my place afterwards? Trash the place all you like because it's already a mess.
I also hear that Thomas amusements is in town. I think they might be set up by now - anyone up for hittin the traditional rides and trying to shoot some wooden ducks with rigged guns on Sunday night? I kick ass at controlling the rockoplane but can't ride that ufo-looking thing that spins you around and lifts you up off the floor with the force of it's. . .rotation. . .force thingie. It makes my spine cry.
Any takers?
or Centripedal...depending on how you look at it.