Thought it was neat. Also neat: Saw a userpic that was just a quote. It said: "I love this moment so much I want to have sex with it." Don't know if it's from anything in particular but I love it so much. . .you know.
No Muay Thai tonight as Matt is MIA. So, with my gift of *free time* (shiney) I'm going to go play with my laptop and get it all ready to go and shit. It's name is "Vern: Dell-isious and Byte size".
I'm not sure if I'm staying with Vern but the sub-text is definitely staying because I love you, Steph, and I take every opportunity there is for puns to show you that. Out.
you are actually hilarious!
i am kitty heartness!
Thanks for what you wrote about my guy situ. I still have some thinking to do I guess... we are still kinda at a standstill.