And I'm finally back. I can feel the very ground of this community move as I announce that. No, really. It's moving, look down.
In any event, I set up an entirely new account because it always bugged me that, when they fized a glitch in my old account, they changed my name to Krys1. Seriously, the numbers in wed name things bugs me. I don't know why. Maybe because it suggests you couldn't come up with a name that someone else wasn't already using. Please don't be offended, numbers-in-names people.
So the rest of the profile and the what-not will be up shortly but, for now, here is the post I just made in Livejournal (i've decided that, as opposed to managing two communites I'll just post in one, then copy paste to the other. I mean, we all know my thrilling existance could fill ten journals but, really, who has the time to write when one is eluding death and danger at every turn, pushing boundaries and flying so damn close to the sun? As you can see from my ADVENTURE PACKED entry below:
When I went to get a coffee today between drawings Mouse told me they need to fire the new guy they have. When I asked why she said he was drawing pentagrams on the donut. This yielded a short conversation in which she explained he thought the donuts were 'dull' and why couldn't he draw stars on them? Also, the arrangements were very boring and couldn't they arrange the donuts more artistically? Mouse insists you don't have creative liscense when you work at Tim's. I think it's GREAT. How cool would it be to walk into Tim's and see one donut all alone on one tray and then the next packed to overflowing? The next all stacked vertically and yet another with donuts arranged with timbits all around them to look like flowers? Subliminal messages written with chocolate drip over your danishes, and tea biscits ressembling vulvas? It'd be the only anarchist Tim's. Viva la revolution de la Tim's! (i don't know if that's proper french. it's probably not. When I was at the Bamboo garden with Jill today there were some people at another table speaking french (real french, not montreal french) and I thought it was Russian until one of them said comme a sa va (which is probably spelled wrong). I really took nothing at all out of high school french. Though I learned that while I was in France. All I could do was ask what time it was, where the toilet was and do you speak english? I could also say I do not speak french though most people seemed to figure that out on their own.)
Also, Atreyu is my new favorite band (or least most frequently listened to). Bleeding Mascara and The Crimson off of their The Curse cd are just too damn neat. I'm also rediscovering Beck, and Odelay is playing right now. I forgot how much I like Beck.
That is all for now, except, "Jen, sorry it took me so long to make use of your generous tip but, as I said, I wanted the free time to enjoy it.
. . .not that I have that now, it's 1:00 in the morning and I'm at the shop but, hey, it's the closest I've been in the last two months."
In any event, I set up an entirely new account because it always bugged me that, when they fized a glitch in my old account, they changed my name to Krys1. Seriously, the numbers in wed name things bugs me. I don't know why. Maybe because it suggests you couldn't come up with a name that someone else wasn't already using. Please don't be offended, numbers-in-names people.
So the rest of the profile and the what-not will be up shortly but, for now, here is the post I just made in Livejournal (i've decided that, as opposed to managing two communites I'll just post in one, then copy paste to the other. I mean, we all know my thrilling existance could fill ten journals but, really, who has the time to write when one is eluding death and danger at every turn, pushing boundaries and flying so damn close to the sun? As you can see from my ADVENTURE PACKED entry below:
When I went to get a coffee today between drawings Mouse told me they need to fire the new guy they have. When I asked why she said he was drawing pentagrams on the donut. This yielded a short conversation in which she explained he thought the donuts were 'dull' and why couldn't he draw stars on them? Also, the arrangements were very boring and couldn't they arrange the donuts more artistically? Mouse insists you don't have creative liscense when you work at Tim's. I think it's GREAT. How cool would it be to walk into Tim's and see one donut all alone on one tray and then the next packed to overflowing? The next all stacked vertically and yet another with donuts arranged with timbits all around them to look like flowers? Subliminal messages written with chocolate drip over your danishes, and tea biscits ressembling vulvas? It'd be the only anarchist Tim's. Viva la revolution de la Tim's! (i don't know if that's proper french. it's probably not. When I was at the Bamboo garden with Jill today there were some people at another table speaking french (real french, not montreal french) and I thought it was Russian until one of them said comme a sa va (which is probably spelled wrong). I really took nothing at all out of high school french. Though I learned that while I was in France. All I could do was ask what time it was, where the toilet was and do you speak english? I could also say I do not speak french though most people seemed to figure that out on their own.)
Also, Atreyu is my new favorite band (or least most frequently listened to). Bleeding Mascara and The Crimson off of their The Curse cd are just too damn neat. I'm also rediscovering Beck, and Odelay is playing right now. I forgot how much I like Beck.
That is all for now, except, "Jen, sorry it took me so long to make use of your generous tip but, as I said, I wanted the free time to enjoy it.
. . .not that I have that now, it's 1:00 in the morning and I'm at the shop but, hey, it's the closest I've been in the last two months."
Awesome, you're back! See you on Tuesday!

Also, I'd love to find fucked up imagery on my donuts.