I can't seem to ease my hunger. No matter how much I eat, I'm still starving afterwards.
There is blood in my saliva.
Even the slightest light is enought to make me wanna rip my eyes off.
Sunlight is burning more strongly on my flesh than usual. Even a quick walk on the sun is enought to bring blisters up.
Can't rest at night.
yeah, If I would let a mustache grow like a catterpillar, I would be feeling like the complete Nihilistic Lestat..
(yep, that was a lame Nietzsche Joke..)
There is blood in my saliva.
Even the slightest light is enought to make me wanna rip my eyes off.
Sunlight is burning more strongly on my flesh than usual. Even a quick walk on the sun is enought to bring blisters up.
Can't rest at night.
yeah, If I would let a mustache grow like a catterpillar, I would be feeling like the complete Nihilistic Lestat..
(yep, that was a lame Nietzsche Joke..)
haaa q cantadinha quer dumir do meu lado e no sabe como dizer isso hahaha (to brincando) ento costurando como assim? hehe