Can't wait for halloween. I'm going up to Jersey for a week and four days. I can't fucking wait for that either. I keep counting down the days in my head. Thats the only reason why I even want this weekend to happen (Midterms Saturday, i think that explains why). I am not a test taker by any means. I need to see Dale, and the vacation, oh my the vacation. I should be moving up there in Jan '05. Part of me wants to do this whole suicidegirl thing. And doesn't look down on anyone who does it,seriously. But something in my head keeps saying its not a 'good idea'. I guess i'm just a dreamer. I hope no one took offense to that. I would love to write my own screenplay for a horror film. Thats like a huge dream of mine, but my creative side is lost for words. I keep seeing all these remakes of horror films and horror films that arent remakes but exactly like someone elses. Theres no originality anymore, and I guess I just want to be original so i'm hoping thats why everytime I pick up a pencil and paper I get writer's block. I'm going to be a ZOMBIE ( bride with a 20's theme) for halloween, what about everyone else?
hey, I love zombies!!!!!!!!!!! and you have nice pictures too!!! I sent you an email!
I am!