Well, the hurricane driving people from their homes has provided me with some amusing....some disturbing....sights.
Perhaps the least pleasant but most amusing sight was stopping to grab breakfast at Burger Thing. Sitting at the drive through window, I look to my right to see two redneck mobiles, rusty oversized trucks with shit in the back (and a too small cage holding two too big dobermans), several large bubbas and a trailer queen woman in the passenger seat, congregating...another hillbilly in jeans and a disturbingly stained white tee comes out with several bags, and sets them atop the cage to start distributing things. Then his hand goes down the back of his pants, yanking them enough that I see his hairy pocked ass has no underpants on it....and he digs. And digs, closer and closer to the center....and then pulls out like it's nothing...and goes back to distributing the foodstuffs, grabbing a handful of hashbrowns or something to hand to the woman. I wonder if she'd have eaten, had she known where that hand just was.
Perhaps the most pleasant sight, though, is argueably more perverse. My friend Calvin, his mother works at a local Catholic school, and he decided we should stop in on the way home from work to check in on her and see if she needs anything. I waited in the truck, ogling the teen pretties in their plaid skirts or too tight white pants. Glancing at a blonde pretty, I spy her bend over a little and pull her foot up to inspect the underside of her shoe (I guess she stepped in something?), my that short SHORT skirt pulls up pretty hiHOLYCRAP, SHE'S NOT WEARING PANTIES. I guess she noticed how much the skirt slid, as she tugged it down a little as she set her foot back down and continued walking, but what a day booster. You call it perverse, I call it realism:it's not developed to just sit there, and the teens themselves certainly aren't letting it go unused. "So, Chef, what IS the right age then?" "Seventeen." "You mean seventeen, as long as you're in love, right?" "Nope! Just seventeen!" ........sixteen, Chef. *cough* MOVING ALONG!
This is going to sound cruel...but I'm a little disappointed that the center missed New Orleans. That city NEEDS a good thrashing, so as to be rebuilt and hopefully improved. Filthy, run down, overpriced and dangerous city-just think, if I'd listened to my ex that's where I could be right now, digging up life AGAIN. Knock down the ancient rots crowding the French Quarter, rebuilt decaying neighborhoods kept in a vice by greedy slumlords taking advantage of people with no options but to perpetuate a financial gridlock.
The other lesson to be learned:places I live that I don't like, BEWARE! Mere years after leaving Pensacola (which I hated), it's wrecked by a major storm, and now New Orleans (which I hate) has been wrecked by a major storm. This town should be due for a major disaster soon, and it should start raining gold in Austin any month now.
The ex...the overbearing Queen, the vile carrier of disease....she teased me for a while about getting pudgy. That I'd "put on a little gut" since moving here. Begrudgingly, I admit she was right-that's the one thing she did better than anyone else, kept me well fed. There never was any "going hungry" for an odd change. I've always maintained that I refuse to allow myself to become bloated as my father did (granted, being one legged and depressed he certainly was at a disadvantage)....but that I could pinch my stomach bothered me. Skin-n-bones, that's what made Kevin. So a few months ago I decided to see if I could change that up....
And it's absolutely amazing how much better a slight shift of diet and physical routine can make you feel. I cut my caffiene intake to no more than about 20oz of...whatever caffienated beverages....per day, and preferably not even daily. Curbing my reliance on caffiene was tough, but switching to a tea helped (as it became more psychological than physical), and tasted better. I'm at a point where it makes me sick to come anywhere near 20oz of caffiene in a day, more than even a 12oz can makes me queasy. Great money saver, too, as I only drink the occasional tea now instead (Lipton Brisk, lemon, please). A HUGE change was cutting regular fast food consumption-holy mother of Bob, it's no joke how bad that shit is for you. I'm certainly not eating healthily, but WOW-cutting down to once, no more than twice a week eating that grease soaked slop makes a big difference (and saves le cash, too). Just those made me feel diferently-I eat a little more now, but lighter (eat less a few times a day, as opposed to eat lots once or twice a day). Still not doing the health food thing, fuck that, and I'll die before pizza leaves my diet.
But there's a weight bench in the house now. My, oh, my, just 20 or 30 minutes or so of light lifting every dayish makes quite a difference. I'm not sure of the exact dates, as I haven't been keeping track, but I've at some point lost about 2 inches from my waist line. I can't put my hand around my upper arm and touch fingers any more. My father would be most envious of this bare progress: PECTORALS! Nothing MAJOR, a bit more than a palm's grasp, but there's clearly defined side and bottom shadow. Cross an arm, have some mancleavage. I'm thinking of stepping to a more serious weight routine, as I'm currently working with a pretty light weight load (about 70 pounds for most motions, give or take 10 depending on how I'm feeling). Add a few different things to the current routine. Getting a music source in there will definitely help out, as doing things without a sense of time drives me batty.
I'll still never be happy with how I turned out. I could have been so much more....
Perhaps the least pleasant but most amusing sight was stopping to grab breakfast at Burger Thing. Sitting at the drive through window, I look to my right to see two redneck mobiles, rusty oversized trucks with shit in the back (and a too small cage holding two too big dobermans), several large bubbas and a trailer queen woman in the passenger seat, congregating...another hillbilly in jeans and a disturbingly stained white tee comes out with several bags, and sets them atop the cage to start distributing things. Then his hand goes down the back of his pants, yanking them enough that I see his hairy pocked ass has no underpants on it....and he digs. And digs, closer and closer to the center....and then pulls out like it's nothing...and goes back to distributing the foodstuffs, grabbing a handful of hashbrowns or something to hand to the woman. I wonder if she'd have eaten, had she known where that hand just was.
Perhaps the most pleasant sight, though, is argueably more perverse. My friend Calvin, his mother works at a local Catholic school, and he decided we should stop in on the way home from work to check in on her and see if she needs anything. I waited in the truck, ogling the teen pretties in their plaid skirts or too tight white pants. Glancing at a blonde pretty, I spy her bend over a little and pull her foot up to inspect the underside of her shoe (I guess she stepped in something?), my that short SHORT skirt pulls up pretty hiHOLYCRAP, SHE'S NOT WEARING PANTIES. I guess she noticed how much the skirt slid, as she tugged it down a little as she set her foot back down and continued walking, but what a day booster. You call it perverse, I call it realism:it's not developed to just sit there, and the teens themselves certainly aren't letting it go unused. "So, Chef, what IS the right age then?" "Seventeen." "You mean seventeen, as long as you're in love, right?" "Nope! Just seventeen!" ........sixteen, Chef. *cough* MOVING ALONG!
This is going to sound cruel...but I'm a little disappointed that the center missed New Orleans. That city NEEDS a good thrashing, so as to be rebuilt and hopefully improved. Filthy, run down, overpriced and dangerous city-just think, if I'd listened to my ex that's where I could be right now, digging up life AGAIN. Knock down the ancient rots crowding the French Quarter, rebuilt decaying neighborhoods kept in a vice by greedy slumlords taking advantage of people with no options but to perpetuate a financial gridlock.
The other lesson to be learned:places I live that I don't like, BEWARE! Mere years after leaving Pensacola (which I hated), it's wrecked by a major storm, and now New Orleans (which I hate) has been wrecked by a major storm. This town should be due for a major disaster soon, and it should start raining gold in Austin any month now.
The ex...the overbearing Queen, the vile carrier of disease....she teased me for a while about getting pudgy. That I'd "put on a little gut" since moving here. Begrudgingly, I admit she was right-that's the one thing she did better than anyone else, kept me well fed. There never was any "going hungry" for an odd change. I've always maintained that I refuse to allow myself to become bloated as my father did (granted, being one legged and depressed he certainly was at a disadvantage)....but that I could pinch my stomach bothered me. Skin-n-bones, that's what made Kevin. So a few months ago I decided to see if I could change that up....
And it's absolutely amazing how much better a slight shift of diet and physical routine can make you feel. I cut my caffiene intake to no more than about 20oz of...whatever caffienated beverages....per day, and preferably not even daily. Curbing my reliance on caffiene was tough, but switching to a tea helped (as it became more psychological than physical), and tasted better. I'm at a point where it makes me sick to come anywhere near 20oz of caffiene in a day, more than even a 12oz can makes me queasy. Great money saver, too, as I only drink the occasional tea now instead (Lipton Brisk, lemon, please). A HUGE change was cutting regular fast food consumption-holy mother of Bob, it's no joke how bad that shit is for you. I'm certainly not eating healthily, but WOW-cutting down to once, no more than twice a week eating that grease soaked slop makes a big difference (and saves le cash, too). Just those made me feel diferently-I eat a little more now, but lighter (eat less a few times a day, as opposed to eat lots once or twice a day). Still not doing the health food thing, fuck that, and I'll die before pizza leaves my diet.
But there's a weight bench in the house now. My, oh, my, just 20 or 30 minutes or so of light lifting every dayish makes quite a difference. I'm not sure of the exact dates, as I haven't been keeping track, but I've at some point lost about 2 inches from my waist line. I can't put my hand around my upper arm and touch fingers any more. My father would be most envious of this bare progress: PECTORALS! Nothing MAJOR, a bit more than a palm's grasp, but there's clearly defined side and bottom shadow. Cross an arm, have some mancleavage. I'm thinking of stepping to a more serious weight routine, as I'm currently working with a pretty light weight load (about 70 pounds for most motions, give or take 10 depending on how I'm feeling). Add a few different things to the current routine. Getting a music source in there will definitely help out, as doing things without a sense of time drives me batty.
I'll still never be happy with how I turned out. I could have been so much more....
It's the derby and the other muscle resistance stuff i do.
that and I don't eat until my stomach feels like it'll rip... i'm sure that helps too.
I had to buy new pants.
Congrats to you
I don't eat beef though, so i generally NEVER eat fast food. As far as caffeine it can help you lose weight I've heard.
On occassion when i'm sleepy i drink coffee. I was in New York on sunday and had a caramel maccshitpotaespresso thing from starbucks... and the worlds biggest rice krispie treat.
so yummy.
One problem i have with the prequels visual style seems to pretty much right itself by the time the third prequel comes out. Basically, my problem is that i don't like the massive use of CGI when it isn't done well. I mean, the effects they used in the first movie were nowhere near flawless, but at no point when they are walking on sand does it look like they are floating several inches above the ground! CGI can be a wonderful thing, but if done badly (and i did think there were points where it was done VERY badly in episode I and II) i can't suspend my disbelief well enough to really believe the movie. Add that to the horrible acting and direction. Again, one can argue that the acting in the original movies was not that good, but i liked the interactions between the characters. The interactions between characters in the prequels felt hollow and contrived, maybe due to George Lucas' direction, i don't know. And the older actor who played Annakin, absolutely hated his acting. I have yet to see if that is just him or Lucas' direction as i haven't seen him act in anything else. I also hated how Padme became the simpering crying housewife, she seemed like she would have been stronger than that to me by how they portrayed her in the first two prequels, so it seemed really out of character. I don't know, yadda yadda bitch bitch i guess. There are things about them that i like. The furthering of the whole story is a good thing. I liked pretty much any and all scenes in space and/or with ships, they looked great. And it was really neat to learn more about the sith and the whole "evil of politics" element. That was very interesting.
Are you going to repost a story of your grandfather in your next journal?
I really really REALLY want to go to the San Diego Con. But my gods, it is so incredibly expensive. Last year it cost us around $500 just on gas to get there and back, which is considerably less than it could have been if Greg didn't have a Pacific Pride card through his parent's business. They paid his gas through their farm's Pacific Pride business account when he was working for them, and as a going away present he got to keep the card...free gas wherever there is Pacific Pride station, which is basically just in Oregon and Washington, so it didn't help out at all along the huge I-5 stretch into SoCal. And then hotel fees.....eek. We reserved a hotel ahead of time, but later than most, so there weren't many choices left. We chose a place that was just slightly over a hundred a night...turned out it was one of those shitholes that should have been maybe 30 dollars a night. The door only came to two inches above the ground, so it wasn't very secure and the noise of the street was not blocked out at all. The sheets really didn't smell like they had been cleaned. The staff was all incredibly rude, looked like they were on meth, and didn't really answer any of our questions...they couldn't have cared less. And there were guys just "hanging out" around our room at all times. Needless to say none of our stuff stayed in that room, we took it all with us in the truck the next day, and found a new hotel in the next town over. Not sketchy at all but it was bad also...$140 a night this time, and "free continental breakfast" meant orange juice and milk. Woohoo.
Do you really want to go? Because if I do go again i think i will reserve rooms in advance, but Greg and i can't afford one on our own. If you wanted to, we could split room costs. And if you know anyone else who would split costs, that would be awesome. I think Greg and i might fly there next year, if we go, because gas prices are up and our income is not...and plane tickets can be found in advance for less than the cost of gas. So, yeah. I really really want to go, it just depends on if all the elements can fall in to place. Crosses fingers...
Where are you moving in January? Greg and i can't have a roommate, our apartment is too tiny! Seriously though, Oregon is amazing! I wouldn't recommend where we live (Corvallis is beautiful but there isn't anything going on here) but Portland is pretty amazing. Well, where do you think you are going to move to?
Okay, i am going to go play WoW....
[Edited on Aug 31, 2005 10:12AM]