D'oh! I opened my fat mouth, and now they try to take overtime hours from me....
I'm thinking that maybe I should take the extra cash, along with what I'm saving, and NOT invest in getting a daily grind life going-back to college, etc....
Maybe I SHOULD hit the road and shoot that documentary. If I could convince Ash and Dan to come along, we'd have their vehicle to use....we'd have a female along, far better for attracting victims...I mean, uh, subject.
It's tempting. Get one of those nice new Sony HD cams, that shoots widescreen....HD is becoming pretty well adopted, and so new HD content ought to be well sought....
But then, assuming I could get it done and put to an audience, documentary work is hardly the path to fictional work, is it? Back to school is hardly a sure shot either, and I can't really afford maverick or schooling.
Star Wars....slightly less than 3 months away....2005 is the death year for many childhood dreams.

I'm thinking that maybe I should take the extra cash, along with what I'm saving, and NOT invest in getting a daily grind life going-back to college, etc....
Maybe I SHOULD hit the road and shoot that documentary. If I could convince Ash and Dan to come along, we'd have their vehicle to use....we'd have a female along, far better for attracting victims...I mean, uh, subject.
It's tempting. Get one of those nice new Sony HD cams, that shoots widescreen....HD is becoming pretty well adopted, and so new HD content ought to be well sought....
But then, assuming I could get it done and put to an audience, documentary work is hardly the path to fictional work, is it? Back to school is hardly a sure shot either, and I can't really afford maverick or schooling.
Star Wars....slightly less than 3 months away....2005 is the death year for many childhood dreams.
I would love to go to PAX and meet up with you! Last year Greg and I went together, and it was really fun. We didn't have enough money to get a hotel room though, and that would probably be the case again this year. So we slept in his pickup in the parking garage and though not the best sleep wise was good since it was free. The lack of showers though....yeah. That was bad. I ended up breaking down late on the second day and washing myself in a sink.
I don't actually play a lot of vido games.....last PAX Greg and i ended up splitting up a lot. I played some card games with strangers and that was really fun, Greg went off a lot of the time and played video games, and then we went to some of the events together. The minibosses was awesome.....i love them. And did you see the last leg of the Omegathon? Pong + Eye of the Tiger = Fucking Hilarious Awesome.
So, i am a geek, more of a comic book and art geek i guess than a game geek, but i enjoyed it nevertheless and would be up for it again.
I think one day i spent like 2 hours knitting and watching people play DDR. Wow fat guys can move really fast whn they are playing DDR. And srtangely there were more men that seemed to play it than girls while i was sitting there....but maybe that was just a reflection on how many more males than females there were at the whole event. But there were some hot geekesses there, good god damn! Droooool. I am always needing a droolong emoticon, why won't SG help me out with this?
Well, my original reply was a lot more readable than this one. I am scatterbrained today....did i forget anything? I am totally useless right now.