The Pensacola people reappearing train is taking off.
Hannah, Kat, Mary, and most recently-and most remarkably-AP has reappeared.
AP and I had quite the scandalous relationship our freshman year of high school. I cant quite remember how we met-well, let's be honest, freshman year was full of PLENTY of experimentations that left verying degrees of hazy/distorted-but we became very fast friends. Despite her being Asian, somehow people ALWAYS asked if we were we decided to roll with it. I can't remember at this point if we were cousins, or half siblings...I'm pretty sure we went with half siblings, as my mother has been married several times. People never caught on until we were busted being particularly loving for family. Silly us, letting flirtation work it's way over performance. We managed to keep a few fools convinced, and we enjoyed the illusion, but I'm pretty sure noone cared either way by the time freshman year ended.
She even remembered my old nickname...the only one other than "Shaggy" to ever stick:"Doctor". It was befitting of my Doctor Who obsession, and befitting of my knowledge of anatomy. Damn, kids, it's called a biology book-the more you know, get it? Call me a fag, but most of my friends were female, and it has far better benefits than hanging around with males. If being a fag means seeing no pussy, does it make you more gay than I if I see more than you? Goddamn I miss those days sometimes. Let me be wistful and tell a tale of young lust, and how my nickname served me well (as it did in several occasions):
Though I'm out of practice and less inspired these days, I was do you say in the English?...gifted. Talented. A love machine! I knew this to be true the day that a 13 year old Doctor Kevin came home with a....16? 17? year old girl who's name I can't remember, so we'll call her Amy. Having a nickname like Doctor allows for LOTS of puns, such as scheduling appointments for the Doctor to administer a while we were lounging around in the room discussing the merits/flaws of some musician...I think the "Smells Like Children" album?...I make some crack about her obviously being unwell and in need of a Doctor's visit. She grabs my shirt and says something to the effect of "When I'm sick enough to need a Doctor, I'll be doing like this and trying to rape you, ok?" *pause* "Like you're doing now, right?" *watch the gears click in her eyes* *WHAM!* Kiss, deeper kiss, a stroke of the hand, a swoon and she pulls away. "Woah. How old are you, anyway?" "You know how young I am." "You're SURE you're only 13? You don't look it." *pull out ID* "Woah." *things continue from there, too graphic and lengthy to bother detailing* Coming up for air, it is reaffirmed:"You shouldnt know things about that at 13. You swear you're only 13?!" Doctors have to know anatomy.
OH the glory days. Everyone has their dead periods-I'm in one now, but it's more for lack of motivation than anything else-but surely, those were the days. Strangely, senior year is typically the most fornicatory year of school for was the other way around for me. It started strongly Freshman year and by the time I hit Senior, there was a drought. Partially, I suppose, because I was working so much and becoming extremely antisocial.
I need to fix this. Since moving here 2 years ago, I've had but 5 partners. This is not where I am supposed to be at 22. I GAVE UP PORN FOR THIS?! dear Bob, I left porn after but one tryout and one session.
Obviously, or at least I think obviously, I am becoming severely sexually frustrated. I think I should make a post simply on sexual history, just to see how much I remember.
Heh. YAY for mislabeled DVDs! The DVDROM info for my SNL:Best Of discs are wrong. Mike Myers is listed as Adam Sandler...Will Ferrel is Phil Hartman (yea right!)...the only right one is Adam Sandler.
EDITED FOR CLARITY:gave up porn, not gave it up like not watching or whatever, gave it up as in I had a job doing the fun work....and gave it up for foolish reasons.
The Pensacola people reappearing train is taking off.
Hannah, Kat, Mary, and most recently-and most remarkably-AP has reappeared.
AP and I had quite the scandalous relationship our freshman year of high school. I cant quite remember how we met-well, let's be honest, freshman year was full of PLENTY of experimentations that left verying degrees of hazy/distorted-but we became very fast friends. Despite her being Asian, somehow people ALWAYS asked if we were we decided to roll with it. I can't remember at this point if we were cousins, or half siblings...I'm pretty sure we went with half siblings, as my mother has been married several times. People never caught on until we were busted being particularly loving for family. Silly us, letting flirtation work it's way over performance. We managed to keep a few fools convinced, and we enjoyed the illusion, but I'm pretty sure noone cared either way by the time freshman year ended.
She even remembered my old nickname...the only one other than "Shaggy" to ever stick:"Doctor". It was befitting of my Doctor Who obsession, and befitting of my knowledge of anatomy. Damn, kids, it's called a biology book-the more you know, get it? Call me a fag, but most of my friends were female, and it has far better benefits than hanging around with males. If being a fag means seeing no pussy, does it make you more gay than I if I see more than you? Goddamn I miss those days sometimes. Let me be wistful and tell a tale of young lust, and how my nickname served me well (as it did in several occasions):
Though I'm out of practice and less inspired these days, I was do you say in the English?...gifted. Talented. A love machine! I knew this to be true the day that a 13 year old Doctor Kevin came home with a....16? 17? year old girl who's name I can't remember, so we'll call her Amy. Having a nickname like Doctor allows for LOTS of puns, such as scheduling appointments for the Doctor to administer a while we were lounging around in the room discussing the merits/flaws of some musician...I think the "Smells Like Children" album?...I make some crack about her obviously being unwell and in need of a Doctor's visit. She grabs my shirt and says something to the effect of "When I'm sick enough to need a Doctor, I'll be doing like this and trying to rape you, ok?" *pause* "Like you're doing now, right?" *watch the gears click in her eyes* *WHAM!* Kiss, deeper kiss, a stroke of the hand, a swoon and she pulls away. "Woah. How old are you, anyway?" "You know how young I am." "You're SURE you're only 13? You don't look it." *pull out ID* "Woah." *things continue from there, too graphic and lengthy to bother detailing* Coming up for air, it is reaffirmed:"You shouldnt know things about that at 13. You swear you're only 13?!" Doctors have to know anatomy.
OH the glory days. Everyone has their dead periods-I'm in one now, but it's more for lack of motivation than anything else-but surely, those were the days. Strangely, senior year is typically the most fornicatory year of school for was the other way around for me. It started strongly Freshman year and by the time I hit Senior, there was a drought. Partially, I suppose, because I was working so much and becoming extremely antisocial.
I need to fix this. Since moving here 2 years ago, I've had but 5 partners. This is not where I am supposed to be at 22. I GAVE UP PORN FOR THIS?! dear Bob, I left porn after but one tryout and one session.
Obviously, or at least I think obviously, I am becoming severely sexually frustrated. I think I should make a post simply on sexual history, just to see how much I remember.
Heh. YAY for mislabeled DVDs! The DVDROM info for my SNL:Best Of discs are wrong. Mike Myers is listed as Adam Sandler...Will Ferrel is Phil Hartman (yea right!)...the only right one is Adam Sandler.
EDITED FOR CLARITY:gave up porn, not gave it up like not watching or whatever, gave it up as in I had a job doing the fun work....and gave it up for foolish reasons.
Love peace and grease,
feel free to flirt anytime
[Edited on Feb 11, 2005 3:33AM]