Some older suspicions were confirmed today....which adds points to the wrath tally.
Now it just comes to "When?"? WHEN will I strike back? And how much (little?) restraint do I want to show? The Drama Queen had little that could be done to me-try and seperate me from a friend, which worked for the most part. Poor little teen girl, being played as a pawn and lost; I'd wanted to help her but she's simply not cut out. I felt sorry that everyone in her life has abused/neglected/decieved her in some way; while it's unfortunate that she sees me as such (despite my desires to be the exact opposite), I shan't do anything to her in retribution. I shouldnt have ever tried to befriend/help her, I should have learned by now that you simply can't help people.
Heard from Kat today....hadn't heard from her in over a year. I wonder how/when she got my contact info. Whenever I think about that group, I KINDA feel bad for causing so much trouble...but that's what happens when I'm given a buffet o'asses. It was a good summer for rebounding-Mary, Hannah, Kat, whatshername....another thing I suppose I should have learned by now:teen girls should only be used as fuckpuppets. Any further relations are fickle. I'm getting a bit old to risk that game, though.
It's amazing how people pick and choose how their morals/beliefs/logic interact with the law.
So, I have the girl from Austin's phone number again....and I likely will be returning to Austin, likely next year, likely with Ash Court and Dan....but do I really want to call? She's neat, but she will eventually betray me as everyone else has. On the other hand, there are future Austin trips planned, and I am far too lazy/antisocial to go out and get's been almost 2 years since I had sex worth having.
Thinking of trying to bribe Dan into teaching me to play bass...I simply cannot do it alone or with books.
School. What should I go back for?
EDIT:Hello, favorite SG list....I'd love to update you, but A)I'm lazy and there's LOTS of cool/beautiful girls, and B)it's kinda neat that 4/5 are an "M" name. Does that say something about me?
Some older suspicions were confirmed today....which adds points to the wrath tally.
Now it just comes to "When?"? WHEN will I strike back? And how much (little?) restraint do I want to show? The Drama Queen had little that could be done to me-try and seperate me from a friend, which worked for the most part. Poor little teen girl, being played as a pawn and lost; I'd wanted to help her but she's simply not cut out. I felt sorry that everyone in her life has abused/neglected/decieved her in some way; while it's unfortunate that she sees me as such (despite my desires to be the exact opposite), I shan't do anything to her in retribution. I shouldnt have ever tried to befriend/help her, I should have learned by now that you simply can't help people.
Heard from Kat today....hadn't heard from her in over a year. I wonder how/when she got my contact info. Whenever I think about that group, I KINDA feel bad for causing so much trouble...but that's what happens when I'm given a buffet o'asses. It was a good summer for rebounding-Mary, Hannah, Kat, whatshername....another thing I suppose I should have learned by now:teen girls should only be used as fuckpuppets. Any further relations are fickle. I'm getting a bit old to risk that game, though.
It's amazing how people pick and choose how their morals/beliefs/logic interact with the law.
So, I have the girl from Austin's phone number again....and I likely will be returning to Austin, likely next year, likely with Ash Court and Dan....but do I really want to call? She's neat, but she will eventually betray me as everyone else has. On the other hand, there are future Austin trips planned, and I am far too lazy/antisocial to go out and get's been almost 2 years since I had sex worth having.

Thinking of trying to bribe Dan into teaching me to play bass...I simply cannot do it alone or with books.
School. What should I go back for?
EDIT:Hello, favorite SG list....I'd love to update you, but A)I'm lazy and there's LOTS of cool/beautiful girls, and B)it's kinda neat that 4/5 are an "M" name. Does that say something about me?