So, the SXSW Film/Music festival...
I THOUGHT I'd be more interested in the music portion than the film portion this year...missed a 10th anniversary Aint It Cool News panel, apparently, I'm sure it'll pop up on the site....I would have liked to have done that, as I find it amazing that I've been following that site for a decade now....
I KNEW I'd be more interested in showing off my city to my company. While working in New Orleans, I spent a few weeks working with a girl named Casey-I could tell we'd get along, but when the phrase "quarter life crisis" was uttered...well, it struck a chord, since that's the way I've described my malaise and loss. Clearly, I had a new friend. She flew in to Austin from Nashville, to try and promote herself (she has a music promotion/business/something degree), look at the city (possibly to finish her master at UTA, and because of the vibrant local music scene), and enjoy SXSW.
It all started awesomely when she arrived-since I'm not the musical expert (compared to her, anyhow), I figured I'd let her make the itenerary and I'd play tour guide. There weren't many bands I was interested in seeing. Carl was gracious enough to pick her up at the airport with me, and off to lunch we went, in tourist mode:straight to Magnolia's, where we amazingly were able to walk right in. The pancakes, holy Bob, they've gotten BIGGER than before, and no less delicious. Never again will IHOP stay my soul when I need pancakes. I don't know WHAT I had, but it was delicious-chicken chunks in some kind of tortilla with white queso and green chili on top. Many a good laugh was had, and while seated under a $4000 painting I was terrified that during one of his arm sweeps Carl might accidentally damage it. Not the sort of thing I can really pay for on a whim!
Then the madness begins.
The convention center had a Lego pit. THOUSANDS of legos. I could have-and probably would have-stayed there for hours. If there hadn't been so much other stuff. Oh, gift bags? Sure thing! (at the end of the trip, her luggage weight increased 30odd pounds from all the free shit that was accumulated-books, CDs, shirts, etc) Free drinks? Sure thing! She described the streets best:it's like a radio, if you don't like what you're hearing, it's just a short walk to something else (often, not even a short walk-stand in the middle of the street, and your brain will pull itself apart trying to hear the bands from every direction). I gotta hand it to the Canucks, they had an excellent showcase, lots of good music from those flapping headed bead eyes.
Music, music, I hear music.
Ran into my eccentric friend Stacy downtown-she lives in Dallas and pops into Austin every now and then, I didn't think I'd get to see her because of busyness and her not having a badge/wristband....had lunch with her, goodtimes, can't understand how someone can walk in moonboots.....she tells me that Trees in Dallas has been closed down, which I haven't checked on....but depressing if true, what a cool venue, tis where King's X played last I saw them in Dallas....
Turbonegro (unfortunately) canceled, but I hadn't noticed The Magic Numbers were playing until (fortunately) the day of their performance.....definitely my favorite of SXSW, an incredibly good and heartfelt performance with new material, great audience interaction....
Learned how to play "More Than A Feeling"...yes, yes, I rock, thank you.
I was endlessly amused and saddened by listening in to people's conversations....fucking hipsters and others. "Ohmgod, Elijah Wood was just at soandso!" "Morissey was just..." etc....guess what, celebrities are people too, give them some goddamned space. They're trying to enjoy themselves, too. I can certainly understand growing up and living someplace where famous people aren't seen on the street, but it's not THAT amazing, put yourself in their shoes.
....of course, as I rant about giving people space, I still mentally kick myself:when I first moved here some 2oddish years ago, I REALLY hoped to somehow land some kind of work on Sin City, and spotted Robert Rodriguez in a restaurant I was eating in....and ALMOST went to speak to him and try and weasel a job, but decided to respect his space. But regretting not saying something isn't my point, my point is that we all have to make sacrifice for the consideration of others. It sucks sometimes, yeah, but reverse the role...
Perry Ferrell (spelling?) was wandering around and apparently hopped on stage impromptu to sing some Jane's Addiction tunes, I wish I could have caught that...
....My Chemical Romance, damn you kids. Get offa my lawn! Back in my day, five miles up hill, bothways, in the snow! Rargh!
It was not without it's lowpoints-most distressing would be an injury to Casey, requiring us to leave WAY earlier that day than planned and subsequently missing several shows that were top priority for her. Years after back surgery and still crippling agonizing paralyzing pains sometimes? I can't imagine the frustration. The cab driver at least had amusing tales of being busted by the girl he's dating.....she didn't know he was a cabbie, she thought he was a mechanical engineer at Dell...."It's a part time job? My dream was to come to America and be a cabbie?"
Hang out at Joel's for a while, he's got some good projects heating up and hopefully we'll still be able to work on a few of my shorts....I'm sure I'll still be able to lean on him for editing, but I'd really like him to be involved with writing or assissting with shooting. OF course, the big thing is when.....nothing happens until WHEN....
This is such a scattered and senseless entry, but I haven't been able to do anything but sleep in the last few days....too many people I want to have around in my life. Hopefully Casey will decide to move to Austin, it's nice having someone around who can simply exist without having to be constantly engaged; going to try and bribe Darren into moving to Austin (even if it's on my dime)....others that I miss, but will probably never happen....
Speaking of Darren....about 2 weeks until the trip. Short and busy, Darren and Tim taking priority. Possibly meet up with a few other people, more than likely I'll do all my socializing in one swoop-get everyone that I want to see or that wants to see me in one location, make my entrance and escape all the easier. I'm thinking the Tallahassee part of my trip will be a two day affair, but plans are still so up in the air.....forever winging it, that's me. Digital camera is acting funky, and I'll be PISSED if that thing breaks before/during my trip, it has much use planned.
My other good Florida friend, Austin, will be playing in my city next week....I could have, should have, been in that band....if I hadn't left home to chase a dream that further buried me....
I still really want a time machine.
I THOUGHT I'd be more interested in the music portion than the film portion this year...missed a 10th anniversary Aint It Cool News panel, apparently, I'm sure it'll pop up on the site....I would have liked to have done that, as I find it amazing that I've been following that site for a decade now....
I KNEW I'd be more interested in showing off my city to my company. While working in New Orleans, I spent a few weeks working with a girl named Casey-I could tell we'd get along, but when the phrase "quarter life crisis" was uttered...well, it struck a chord, since that's the way I've described my malaise and loss. Clearly, I had a new friend. She flew in to Austin from Nashville, to try and promote herself (she has a music promotion/business/something degree), look at the city (possibly to finish her master at UTA, and because of the vibrant local music scene), and enjoy SXSW.
It all started awesomely when she arrived-since I'm not the musical expert (compared to her, anyhow), I figured I'd let her make the itenerary and I'd play tour guide. There weren't many bands I was interested in seeing. Carl was gracious enough to pick her up at the airport with me, and off to lunch we went, in tourist mode:straight to Magnolia's, where we amazingly were able to walk right in. The pancakes, holy Bob, they've gotten BIGGER than before, and no less delicious. Never again will IHOP stay my soul when I need pancakes. I don't know WHAT I had, but it was delicious-chicken chunks in some kind of tortilla with white queso and green chili on top. Many a good laugh was had, and while seated under a $4000 painting I was terrified that during one of his arm sweeps Carl might accidentally damage it. Not the sort of thing I can really pay for on a whim!
Then the madness begins.
The convention center had a Lego pit. THOUSANDS of legos. I could have-and probably would have-stayed there for hours. If there hadn't been so much other stuff. Oh, gift bags? Sure thing! (at the end of the trip, her luggage weight increased 30odd pounds from all the free shit that was accumulated-books, CDs, shirts, etc) Free drinks? Sure thing! She described the streets best:it's like a radio, if you don't like what you're hearing, it's just a short walk to something else (often, not even a short walk-stand in the middle of the street, and your brain will pull itself apart trying to hear the bands from every direction). I gotta hand it to the Canucks, they had an excellent showcase, lots of good music from those flapping headed bead eyes.

Music, music, I hear music.
Ran into my eccentric friend Stacy downtown-she lives in Dallas and pops into Austin every now and then, I didn't think I'd get to see her because of busyness and her not having a badge/wristband....had lunch with her, goodtimes, can't understand how someone can walk in moonboots.....she tells me that Trees in Dallas has been closed down, which I haven't checked on....but depressing if true, what a cool venue, tis where King's X played last I saw them in Dallas....
Turbonegro (unfortunately) canceled, but I hadn't noticed The Magic Numbers were playing until (fortunately) the day of their performance.....definitely my favorite of SXSW, an incredibly good and heartfelt performance with new material, great audience interaction....
Learned how to play "More Than A Feeling"...yes, yes, I rock, thank you.
I was endlessly amused and saddened by listening in to people's conversations....fucking hipsters and others. "Ohmgod, Elijah Wood was just at soandso!" "Morissey was just..." etc....guess what, celebrities are people too, give them some goddamned space. They're trying to enjoy themselves, too. I can certainly understand growing up and living someplace where famous people aren't seen on the street, but it's not THAT amazing, put yourself in their shoes.
....of course, as I rant about giving people space, I still mentally kick myself:when I first moved here some 2oddish years ago, I REALLY hoped to somehow land some kind of work on Sin City, and spotted Robert Rodriguez in a restaurant I was eating in....and ALMOST went to speak to him and try and weasel a job, but decided to respect his space. But regretting not saying something isn't my point, my point is that we all have to make sacrifice for the consideration of others. It sucks sometimes, yeah, but reverse the role...
Perry Ferrell (spelling?) was wandering around and apparently hopped on stage impromptu to sing some Jane's Addiction tunes, I wish I could have caught that...
....My Chemical Romance, damn you kids. Get offa my lawn! Back in my day, five miles up hill, bothways, in the snow! Rargh!
It was not without it's lowpoints-most distressing would be an injury to Casey, requiring us to leave WAY earlier that day than planned and subsequently missing several shows that were top priority for her. Years after back surgery and still crippling agonizing paralyzing pains sometimes? I can't imagine the frustration. The cab driver at least had amusing tales of being busted by the girl he's dating.....she didn't know he was a cabbie, she thought he was a mechanical engineer at Dell...."It's a part time job? My dream was to come to America and be a cabbie?"
Hang out at Joel's for a while, he's got some good projects heating up and hopefully we'll still be able to work on a few of my shorts....I'm sure I'll still be able to lean on him for editing, but I'd really like him to be involved with writing or assissting with shooting. OF course, the big thing is when.....nothing happens until WHEN....
This is such a scattered and senseless entry, but I haven't been able to do anything but sleep in the last few days....too many people I want to have around in my life. Hopefully Casey will decide to move to Austin, it's nice having someone around who can simply exist without having to be constantly engaged; going to try and bribe Darren into moving to Austin (even if it's on my dime)....others that I miss, but will probably never happen....
Speaking of Darren....about 2 weeks until the trip. Short and busy, Darren and Tim taking priority. Possibly meet up with a few other people, more than likely I'll do all my socializing in one swoop-get everyone that I want to see or that wants to see me in one location, make my entrance and escape all the easier. I'm thinking the Tallahassee part of my trip will be a two day affair, but plans are still so up in the air.....forever winging it, that's me. Digital camera is acting funky, and I'll be PISSED if that thing breaks before/during my trip, it has much use planned.
My other good Florida friend, Austin, will be playing in my city next week....I could have, should have, been in that band....if I hadn't left home to chase a dream that further buried me....
I still really want a time machine.
Sheesh...some people.
If I had a time machine, I would go back in time and visit you whilst I was in Texas. Mostly because I'm an asshole and I didn't do it when I had the chance...meh.