This concludes our broadcast day....
oooh pleeeese let me be the new dr who group leader!! pleeeeeeese x x x
Ugh. My wrist has been feeling fine enough the last few weeks that I decide I can finally return to my workout routine, as I'd been anxiously awaiting....especially since there is an odd little roll trying to form that would distort a tattoo!

And man. Months without lifting has REALLY sapped my strength. As in, practically having to start over new, and it still leaves...
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You told someone recently not to look in your pics, so I of course had to come and see what this person was not suppose to see. And boy was I given a wonderful surprise when I took a look! love

How you doin'? wink

Mmm, yes you should!! I would love to see more! smile love
(be sure to right click the images to see the whole thing....damned SG format)

I'm not sure where to begin on something so monumentous....

I've been away from home for over 3 years. 4 years ago this month since Darren had to leave our home.

I ALMOST moved back once-I'd decided to take control of myself again, ditched Rahvin, reestablished contact with Darren; but a...
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sorry I missed the show, dude. wednesday turned out to be pretty jam-packed with events that I needed to attend for class credit.
Time was supposed to heal it all
Was supposed to draw the pain
Was supposed to push it out

Time was supposed to make things right
Was supposed to give me hope
Was supposed to make me feel

Time was supposed to make you fade
Was supposed to set me free
Was supposed to let you go

Time was supposed to let me live
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thanks for the comment on my set!! biggrin kiss kiss ^___^
It's amazing how much a soul can be shaken in a (roughly) 24 hour period!

It began with waking for a night of glory with Ray Harryhausen. As a kid, those movies seriously affected me-I'd say close to Star Wars level of affecting me, so technically astounding and still so poignant. The living skeletons, man, living skeletons! Attacking in broad daylight! The convincingly huge crab...
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Been sick as a dog...missed several days of work...of course I miss work, that means I lose money-we all know that when Kevin makes EXTRA money (bonus AND stocks!), then something has to come up to negate said extra money...or put him further in the hole. No getting ahead here, sucker!

Trip to Florida....we might as well consider it dead. I'm not sure exactly what...
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So, the SXSW Film/Music festival...

I THOUGHT I'd be more interested in the music portion than the film portion this year...missed a 10th anniversary Aint It Cool News panel, apparently, I'm sure it'll pop up on the site....I would have liked to have done that, as I find it amazing that I've been following that site for a decade now....

I KNEW I'd be more...
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sounds like fun! I need to hit more music festivals....xoxoxox
Giggity yourself, weirdo!

Sheesh...some people.

If I had a time machine, I would go back in time and visit you whilst I was in Texas. Mostly because I'm an asshole and I didn't do it when I had the chance...meh.

kiss kiss kiss
Brief update, to be filled in later:

SXSW, not quite so hot this year. Had a decent time though.
concert sounds good. give me details, we'll try to make it happen.
what was off at SXSW?? ooo & did you happen to see a band called Die!Die!Die! they're friends of mine, very very neat band with a twisted sound. they're one of three NZ bands that "got in" to SXSW..yay for achievers biggrin

so how did you fracture your wrist?! goodness. ever since i started rockclimbing i keep hearing all kinds of scarey things...making me freak out a tad eeek shocked confused
Wake up young man, it's time to wake up
Your love affair has got to go
For 10 long years, for 10 long years
The leaves to rake up
Slow suicide's no way to go, no
Blue, clouded grey
You're not a crack up
Dizzy and weakened by the haze
Moving onward
So an infection not a phase

The cracks and lines from where you...
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Sorry, got distracted by WoW and lack of headphones and quasi-hangover and food...
Drop me a line next time you sign on.
Awwwww thank you for your blessing love post in my love thread, OMG. love blush kiss
We'll get the least important part of this entry out of the way first....

I got propositioned, apparently I was confused for a male prostitute. Standing at the corner, waiting for the never-on-time-when-I-NEED-it bus, and a familiar vehicle rolls up and the window comes down. I think it's a coworker-not someone I really work WITH, but that I know lives near by and I see...
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On the road again eh?
Interesting past few days, in very nonmonumental ways.

For one thing, the weather has been astoundingly wonderful-I intend to spend at least one of my days off simply wandering around the city. The clouds moved faster than I'd ever seen the other day, it was beautiful. I often wonder....WHERE exactly is what I'm looking at in the sky? The far edge of that cloud....what is...
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well, I figured I'd be generous...I felt pretty hot last night, so...=)
yeah, i really want this tattoo........