Wednesday Aug 04, 2004 Aug 4, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Going to play some hardcore DDR tonight. withsobereyes: UPCOMING EVENT: 80's partay. WHEN: Saturday Aug 28 @ 7:30 pm WHERE: Mi casa. Im throwing a little 80's shindig at my house at the end of this month, and you all are invited. Please dress up. We wont turn you away if you dont, but its more fun if yah do. We'll have kegs, a pool table, 80's musak all night long, 80's flicks on the tube, etc. Driving drunk sucks, so anyone who needs a place to crash for the night is more than welcome to stay. Contact me if you need more information. WATCHED BY: Fedona, Fucking_Hostile, WithSoberEyes, _Minx Aug 19, 2004 annamei: DDR = dance dance revolution? my friend and i used to DDR at gameworks on ladys night at AZ Mills. we are retards. you should join SGAZ Sep 24, 2004
WHEN: Saturday Aug 28 @ 7:30 pm
WHERE: Mi casa.
Im throwing a little 80's shindig at my house at the end of this month, and you all are invited.
Please dress up. We wont turn you away if you dont, but its more fun if yah do.
We'll have kegs, a pool table, 80's musak all night long, 80's flicks on the tube, etc.
Driving drunk sucks, so anyone who needs a place to crash for the night is more than welcome to stay.
Contact me if you need more information.
WATCHED BY: Fedona, Fucking_Hostile, WithSoberEyes, _Minx
you should join SGAZ