Drunk and playing Fable with my friends. our character is naked and we made him that way. Anyone from AZ should know that the Vine on Warner and 48th has $1 drinks Monday through Thursday......it's sort of a big tiity spread cheeky sort of thing.---------------that's from the Fisher King.

It does kick ass. You should also check out the new Converge if you have not done so. It rips.
smilesmilesmile h-a-p-p-y b-i-r-t-h-d-a-y!!! smilesmilesmile
Fable is a great game. It keeps track of how many times you have had sex, your sexual preference, how good/evil you are, and how far you can kick a chicken.

Hellboy is a really really fun movie.

The bonus disc you get in the Star Wars DVD is fucking rad! I didn't think it were possible, but I love George Lucas even more now eeek
Fable is such a rad video game. If you haven't played it yet. You should. I just bought the DDR floorpad, but I live on the 3rd floor frown So I haven't been dancing. I am a dork.
you know... there is suicide boys i'm sure lots of people would like to see you naked on there tongue

thrasher drives the yellow gti but its our car. i drive the black on in the pictures biggrin and yes it is a rad car, we love it!! smile
eeek Going to play some hardcore DDR tonight.
UPCOMING EVENT: 80's partay.

WHEN: Saturday Aug 28 @ 7:30 pm
WHERE: Mi casa.

Im throwing a little 80's shindig at my house at the end of this month, and you all are invited.

Please dress up. We wont turn you away if you dont, but its more fun if yah do.

We'll have kegs, a pool table, 80's musak all night long, 80's flicks on the tube, etc.

Driving drunk sucks, so anyone who needs a place to crash for the night is more than welcome to stay.

Contact me if you need more information.

WATCHED BY: Fedona, Fucking_Hostile, WithSoberEyes, _Minx
DDR = dance dance revolution? my friend and i used to DDR at gameworks on ladys night at AZ Mills. we are retards. biggrin

you should join SGAZ
My car got fucking towed! I just had to pay $150 (which I really don't have) to get it back! So what if my temp. tag has been expired for two weeks and I ripped off the final warning. That shouldn't matter.......right? Fuckers. mad In other news I am going to be an Uncle. I am sooooo damn excited. I am going to be the coolest...
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ooh that is so shitty frown and congrats on becoming an uncle!
Marlon Brandoooo NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

frown I will be crying in my room all weekend watching various Brando movies. Fuck I am surprised the guy lasted so long what with his son being convicted of manslaughter which in turn caused his daughter to commit suicide. I still have airline passes, my parents and sister want to go to Disneyland. I think I will go with them. Hows that...
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Crazy news, especially after this stuff about him being bankrupt came out as well..great actor, great talent. Seems like a lot of great people who were famous passed away this year, Johnny Cash comes to mind.
Not going to Alaska till July frown Pity me please.
ummm... well at least youre not going in February?

Not going to Alaska till July frown Pity me please.
Not going to Alaska till July frown Pity me please.
w00t! I'm going to go see my brother and sister in law in Seward, Alaska. If anyone reading this has never been....GO THERE! Wait don't go there it's a shit-hole! I want to keep it all for myself whatever ummmm the reds are in first place in the NL central and I got my halfsleeve colored and shit. Film at eleven. bok
Wow wicked. Painful?