Well I hired out a great little film last night, it's called Death Race 2000 it's about this transcontinental race from one side of america to the other and the drivers gain points by hitting pedestrians
its great lol, and theres different point amounts for different ages lol, it's quite an old film and no where near as gory as what todays ones can be but it is still a great little film and worth a look especially if you liked the carmagedon series on pc.
I'm cooking dinner tonight and i should probably start working out what I'm going to add to the mince theres plenty of stuff there just a matter of decideing what to add
. I should sort out a picture to put up here sometime might do that over the weekend so then i dont have just this blank picture slot.

I'm cooking dinner tonight and i should probably start working out what I'm going to add to the mince theres plenty of stuff there just a matter of decideing what to add

I do have one who is missing an eye. So you can see his skull and an empty eye-hole. I'll take pictures of it eventually.