What can i say this year has gone insanely quick... Has been a good year though have been out to lots of partys, dressed up as a priest and gone out which was rather interesting
, Days off at work have been changed yet again... I am sure they love doing it just as i have put in for time off since it always happens before then. I still don't have a new computer haha which is good in some ways and bad in others but thankfully my old comp is no longer stuck in safe mode isn't good looking at websites when the page is 3 times the normal size!!. I need to come on here more than i do aswell since it seems to have gone down to every once and a while
which is just not good enough i need to take a year off lol i should see how much time off i can accumulate at work before they make me take time off
since they have allready started telling me i need to take it.
For now though hope all is well in the sg world

For now though hope all is well in the sg world

Rarrr havent talked to u in ages mister, hope everythings kool with u now