Well one cousin has gone down the marriage road lol, went to his wedding yesterday had a great time
was a bit of a shame that it started to rain a little but was only spitting which wasn't to bad and it didn't last long, a group of us ended up discussing while photo's were being taken about how the wedding part didn't actually take that long but the actual photo part was the longest thing about it lol
. Afterwards we all went back to this hall where speechs and then drinking began lol, the weirdest part was when nicola's side of the family started line danceing to a song i have never seen line in real life until last night and it was nuts lol, but anyways all and all was a great time
I seriously need to get some new shoes lol mine are just about ready to fall apart
i have resorted to useing duct tape to hold the back of one of them together lol.
Hmm me thinks i will need either a really big umbrella or a giant plastic bubble to get to work today as it is pouring down with rain

I seriously need to get some new shoes lol mine are just about ready to fall apart

Hmm me thinks i will need either a really big umbrella or a giant plastic bubble to get to work today as it is pouring down with rain