I got myself a pool today
, It isn't a huge pool just a portable pump up one but still a good size like just over 3 metres round, will be great for days where it is hot and sunny and i just want to sit around outside and making whirlpools
I am going to have to look at getting myself a new comp soon I have had this one for a fair few years now and it is slowly getting very laggy
, I have tried looking at princess's newest set and i get so far and it just stops loading the pictures and i am like NOOOOO!!!! damn you evil computer!!! *shakes pointy stick at it*
. I also need to get myself a new pair of shoes as my old buckle ones are looking like they have had better days
, found a cool website in the Bizzare mag i got though and one of the models in the add is wearing these awesome looking shoes or boots which i am going to have to try and find
, The website is www.attitude.uk.com if anyone is interested in checking out what they have
Not much else is happening at the moment, had a work farewell on friday night for 2 of the staff, was a great night though and really enjoyed it. Only got a 4 day week this week which is going to be sweet
, oh and i need to put in my leave for for another week off lol

I am going to have to look at getting myself a new comp soon I have had this one for a fair few years now and it is slowly getting very laggy

Not much else is happening at the moment, had a work farewell on friday night for 2 of the staff, was a great night though and really enjoyed it. Only got a 4 day week this week which is going to be sweet