I'm BACK!!!!
, I have missed SG heaps!!! I was bad i know i should have re registered sooner but i have been so busy with work and then i was sick for a week last year before christmas with an abcess and then after christmas with this nasty stomach bug lol was not pleasant at all
, and then friday the 13th lost my card and had to wait to get a new one and basically lots of stuff... But i am back now
and hope the people i got to know here can forgive me for dissapearing as i did and hope they are all doing well and are healthy
, I did go to the Big Day Out which was just the most amazingest thing ever!! got to see sinate, trivium, the Killers and Tool and almost got crushed a few times lol but was all worth it
loved it heaps and the Tool set was just incredible but all of the bands i saw went off was deffenitly a great time
, I will put some pics up of my trip there once i get them printed and on my comp, Umm what else My money saving is going well
i still need to get myself a passport lol.
Right I am gonna head off for now the weather is getting hot as here and it is like blah must get ice!!!
, But anyways will see you all later and take care everyone I am very happy to be back

Right I am gonna head off for now the weather is getting hot as here and it is like blah must get ice!!!