So the neighbours well people over the fence have been having a party pretty much all day, and I must say they played the craziest music just before lol, was sitting here typing and looking up stuff, then I heard polka music and started dancing in my chair lol just stamping my foot and bouncing around
It is nice to have last week over and done with, it really was just a week of stupid people, first there was this moron and his leaking gas bottle which caused this huge fiasco and that was rather bad, then had customers stopping infront of the store and asking if we were open
, but yeah easter was good cleaned up the house on friday and sunday and went to palmerston north on saturday which was cool, had a good look around there didn't end up looking at any shoe stores though since didn't really have time, My cool buckle ones are getting a tad old so need to look at getting a new pair, I wouldn't mind getting another pair of buckle ones but with some spikes on them that would be cool
!.. Is just a matter of finding them though lol.
Oh will also be grabbing a leave form tomorrow
, plan on taking a week or 2 off work and spending a week somewhere round new zealand then maybe a week over in aus since I havent been there before and I have some friends over there so thought it would be cool to visit and just get right away.

It is nice to have last week over and done with, it really was just a week of stupid people, first there was this moron and his leaking gas bottle which caused this huge fiasco and that was rather bad, then had customers stopping infront of the store and asking if we were open

Oh will also be grabbing a leave form tomorrow

I am sure I can spend my week off downloading and coping, sO i can return my mr roboto back to his former self x