Being sick sucks
blah, Woke up with a tingly throat and cough which isnt pleasant since I really don't need to be getting sick since I have no sick leave and cant really afford to go taking time off if it gets worse... Which it wont lol I'm not gonna let it, so hopefully it goes away quickly.
Good news though, I have almost finished paying off my phone and my camera so I am happy about that, I don't like to leave things sit there for ages if I am paying them off if I can help it that is.
I need a good massage aswell, I think the bit of head banging and crazy sleep the other night has made my neck a little sore lol but hey was all good

Good news though, I have almost finished paying off my phone and my camera so I am happy about that, I don't like to leave things sit there for ages if I am paying them off if I can help it that is.
I need a good massage aswell, I think the bit of head banging and crazy sleep the other night has made my neck a little sore lol but hey was all good

ohhhh, my poor Vikingboy
hope you feel better today. i had such a nice day, but i got a little bit too much sun on my head... learning sucks (like every day), ill be so happy when the exam is done. but luckily now are my easterholidays, so ive enough time to learn and painting eastereggs... wish you the best for your throat. kiss