First things first I HATE CUPBOARDS!!!!! *finds giant hammer and destroys every cupboard I can find*, so yeah cupboards seem to be the bane of my work environent, we either get really shit ones in that are actually quite sturdy, then we get supposed good ones in that are crappily put together or just crap ones that are ok to put together except the sides are to thin so no matter where you postion the backboard on them there is a chance a nail is goingf to go in on a wrong angle and make the side poke out a bit or go through into the storage area of the cupboard
, Well I had to go out on a delivery this afternoon to deliver a cupboard annnndd it happens to be one of the supposed good ones which are crappily put together so me and amy who is the one that was driving went to lift it onto the pallet jack and we grabbed the bottom and the front of it and just lifted it a little and then what happens.... the back board decides it is going to pop off lol and then it just dropped and landed on its front, and the main reason for it doing that is that the backboard is just a fot board and is 2 seperate peices of board and the way they are put on is by staples in a staple gun and the problem with staple gunning soft board is that it just wrecks the board and pretty much goes straight through it so yeah the cupboard was a little buggered
lmao, but ohwell shit happens doesnt help that the middle shelf and top and bottom one are conected to the sides by tiny screws and plastic clip things, so yeah lol was a fun afternoon.
Excuse my lack of punctuation and spaceing and all that lol
I think I made some enemys on World of Warcraft tonight
, I was in Warsong Gultch and it went really well and most of my attacks were directed to a few alliance players the main 2 being galain a night elf warrior and moonlisa a night elf hunter lol i seriously don't think they like me... I would go after either of them if i spotted them and they would go for me if they spotted me lol the third though was just this alliance priest that was healing most of their people, but yeah I am sure I will be seeing more of moonlisa and galain in WSG, or if i am lucky running around some place.

Excuse my lack of punctuation and spaceing and all that lol
I think I made some enemys on World of Warcraft tonight