It is almost at the soup and noodle eatting time of the year
, soup during winter really is great... soup and some nice bread it really warms you up and is filling and good for you to
, I quite like winter especially the nice cold crisp air you get during the earlly mornings, When I worked night shift at this service station here I would go out onto the forecourt where the pumps were and just stand their for a little while in the morning air, it was just so refreshing.... So am quite looking forward to when it gets time for soup and noodles
WOoot days off work now, Has been rather busy these last 2 days, I seem to have been chosen as the construction guy who puts all the cupboards and barbecues and things together
, yesterday I had this rather large barbecue to put together and a also a hood that needed replacing and repairing, then in the afternoon was a cupboard which i started on and finished this morning, then it was this vanity unit thing and then a bookshelf and then a swing seat lol was has been quite an action packed couple of days, my hands certainly got good workouts I must say
. But going to relax now, don't plan to go anywhere on my days off, might ring up and see if my books are any closer to arriveing tomorrow and a friend of mine will be popping round tomorrow after lunch some time to pick up her computer that was getting fixed here, saw her tonight and told her it is ready to go and she was all exstatic and happy, other than that think it is relaxing maybe play a little guitar and some drawing and other recreational activitys of which I have no idea yet 

WOoot days off work now, Has been rather busy these last 2 days, I seem to have been chosen as the construction guy who puts all the cupboards and barbecues and things together
