Went and saw underworld evolution on friday night
, was really good, it was basically action packed all the way through it just didn't stop or drag on or get to a point then slow down it just kept you like hey wow.
Then after the movie went to this bar rosie o gradys since it was saint patricks day, ended up waiting ages for a drink since it was insanely packed lol, so had like 2 drinks, and saw some people i knew then headed off around 10 since it was my neices birthday on saturday and did not want to be hung over or whatever for that.
Saturday had a good day went into town first off then it was Kylas birthday party so we all went to that and she enjoyed it which is the main thing, she loved her presents and just kept wanting to open more lol, but she is 3 so that is to be expected.

Then after the movie went to this bar rosie o gradys since it was saint patricks day, ended up waiting ages for a drink since it was insanely packed lol, so had like 2 drinks, and saw some people i knew then headed off around 10 since it was my neices birthday on saturday and did not want to be hung over or whatever for that.
Saturday had a good day went into town first off then it was Kylas birthday party so we all went to that and she enjoyed it which is the main thing, she loved her presents and just kept wanting to open more lol, but she is 3 so that is to be expected.