Damn has it been hot lately
, either the air con at work is not working properly or it is just not on at all because shit does it get warm in that store, especially out the front where it gets like a green house.
Well lets see I haven't been up to much other than work lately, bought world of warcraft the other day
, that has been great fun, also might be having a game of 40K on monday which will also be awesome since I havent had one in ages and have probably forgotten most of the rules
, have also been getting stuff together so I can start my forging
, I still need a damn anvil though *shakes pointy stick at anvil* i will find it though just going to take some more time lol.
Not much else to say really, sorry I havent been updating much just have been busy with work and then this heat, my room is at the back of the house so I get all the afternoon sun and my room basically gets like a green house and you just want to strip off but unfortunately can't really do that as much as I'd like to at times, But I hope everyone is doing well on here, and I will start writeing more often again now

Well lets see I haven't been up to much other than work lately, bought world of warcraft the other day

Not much else to say really, sorry I havent been updating much just have been busy with work and then this heat, my room is at the back of the house so I get all the afternoon sun and my room basically gets like a green house and you just want to strip off but unfortunately can't really do that as much as I'd like to at times, But I hope everyone is doing well on here, and I will start writeing more often again now

how are you? im not very busy at the moment, i waste my time with watching tv, unfortunately... its not good, because i watch every shit, it would be better to learn or read something, im not able to... maybe in a few weeks
next week ill go to my best friend nina, weve to work in hospital, at the pathology, for two weeks. im a little bit afraid of it, death everywhere... i hope i will not have nightmares...
wish you a nice day and much fun with your new stuff.