, been rushing round work pretty much all day today, either finding stuff for customers or putting stuff away or hawling stuff out
, but all in all it has been a good daystarted work at 9 and finished work around 7:40pm so was rather a long day.
I want to get some blinky lights to put round the edge of my comp
, but I want coloured ones since plain ones are kind of blah, so hopefully work has some coloured ones left over
, one thing I will say is though you deffenitly get a work out at that store haha, the amount of lifting climbing up ladders
, think I might need a good massage by the time I go away for a holiday.
A couple of girls came into work today looking round to see if anyone wanted to buy these tiny little digital cameras they are quite cool and tiny lol, but they also work as a webcam, donno how good they would be for that but they fit on a keychain so would be good for little shots and stuff, so might get myself one

I want to get some blinky lights to put round the edge of my comp

A couple of girls came into work today looking round to see if anyone wanted to buy these tiny little digital cameras they are quite cool and tiny lol, but they also work as a webcam, donno how good they would be for that but they fit on a keychain so would be good for little shots and stuff, so might get myself one

Yeah I don't think I'm getting the sg present since I didn't actually update my contact info, even though it said "your info is on file." Meh. No big deal.