I have 6 days off oweing to me from work now
WOOOT!!!, that is one whole payed week off it is going to be great.
I saw that girl i was talking about in one of my posts a while back, saw her at the book shop she works at on friday and had a little chat to her, so saturday I had to go...
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I saw that girl i was talking about in one of my posts a while back, saw her at the book shop she works at on friday and had a little chat to her, so saturday I had to go...
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It was coastal, so very rocky and lots of cliffs
thank you for the birthday wishes! it was an okay day, despite being sick. i'm sloooooowly feeling better though.

Yesterday was a great day
, I am going to be making furniture when I get all the stuff together that I need, which isn't far off, aannnnnd made a very large jump forward with that yesterday so I am very happy
There was this really cool cloud formation yesterday during work, it was near to finishing time and I had to go get...
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There was this really cool cloud formation yesterday during work, it was near to finishing time and I had to go get...
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thankyou for the lovely comment. i shall do that next time im missing him

YAY last week is over, Have work soon so this won't be a long entry, weekend was to active just blobbed and relaxed saturday, friday I sent a present away to a friend of mine
she knows who she is
, and Happy birthday to her
, I will send you an ecard later
, hope you have a great day.

i was walking down a fairly safe rocky area, and we had just had a few days or torrential rain, but the solid rock was dry. however the crumbly shale was still wet and mixed with mud and i slid down that. my best friend caught me so i can't complain too much.
yeah i have something like 11 books requested at the library and 2 at my house right now. why am i sitting around here? i should go read them!
yeah i have something like 11 books requested at the library and 2 at my house right now. why am i sitting around here? i should go read them!

yeah i'm mostly healed up now, except for a couple of spots, and the scars are still pretty fresh. so i definitely could have had a lot worse happen.
don't be late for work! it's just a silly little writing thing anyway. ^_^
don't be late for work! it's just a silly little writing thing anyway. ^_^
Sorry i havent been updateing much well at all lately, have been busy with work and by the time i get home i really just want to sit down and blob, after this week should be good though since there is a store assesment this week so have been getting ready for that, so will be back to writting in my journal here

Saw a girl who use to work at where i work last night
, was at the mill which is this alcohol store here and i walked in was looking at the box's of stuff and was like hang on a second.... I am sure I know that girl lol so i walked around and was thinking damn it turn around I am sure it...
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hello sweetie!!
how are you? i see you had a amazing time last week, have you heard something from the girl? the story sounds very exciting
at the moment im doing nothing, i try to forget all the stress of the last months, its very strange sometimes i really dont know what i should do with all the time, normally i spend it with learning, but now
, today it will be a warm summerday, so ill go outside and enjoing the sun, maybe i go to the bath. wish you the best, and a great day. kiss

how are you? i see you had a amazing time last week, have you heard something from the girl? the story sounds very exciting

hey my Axe24-7-man!
whats going on? my days were so crazy... i need to work with labmice... its not really my job, but i have to do it for my dissertation
ts disgusting, they kill the babymice by cutting down the head with a pair of scissors
my heart is hurting the whole day.
hope youre alright.
wish you a nice day.

whats going on? my days were so crazy... i need to work with labmice... its not really my job, but i have to do it for my dissertation

hope youre alright.
wish you a nice day.

So the neighbours well people over the fence have been having a party pretty much all day, and I must say they played the craziest music just before lol, was sitting here typing and looking up stuff, then I heard polka music and started dancing in my chair lol just stamping my foot and bouncing around
It is nice to have last week over...
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It is nice to have last week over...
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yeah I ve done it before, but this time I fucked up getting it back
I am sure I can spend my week off downloading and coping, sO i can return my mr roboto back to his former self x

I am sure I can spend my week off downloading and coping, sO i can return my mr roboto back to his former self x
I am awaiting my police check - all my training is complete though 

Shit, I'm feeling tired tonight, donno if it is because i am sick or what it is.. but it is rather nuts.
Some customers are just really stupid, this sunday and monday has just been loaded with them, I won't go into detail at the moment but jeebus....
Going to get a leave form for work tomorrow, since after easter I will have some more...
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Some customers are just really stupid, this sunday and monday has just been loaded with them, I won't go into detail at the moment but jeebus....
Going to get a leave form for work tomorrow, since after easter I will have some more...
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vacations are fun! except when they're forced cause uh, you don't have a job.
some of my recipes are good, some are disasterous! it's touch and go really. but usually they're all edible.
i'm doing okay. things are overwhelming right now for a number of reasons and i'm just sort of managing as best i can.

some of my recipes are good, some are disasterous! it's touch and go really. but usually they're all edible.
i'm doing okay. things are overwhelming right now for a number of reasons and i'm just sort of managing as best i can.
Basically I had staple piercings in my chest in a star shape and they didn't heal and went nasty, so they were removed. Now the scars look horrendous.
Being sick sucks
blah, Woke up with a tingly throat and cough which isnt pleasant since I really don't need to be getting sick since I have no sick leave and cant really afford to go taking time off if it gets worse... Which it wont lol I'm not gonna let it, so hopefully it goes away quickly.
Good news though, I have almost finished...
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Good news though, I have almost finished...
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ohhhh, my poor Vikingboy
hope you feel better today. i had such a nice day, but i got a little bit too much sun on my head... learning sucks (like every day), ill be so happy when the exam is done. but luckily now are my easterholidays, so ive enough time to learn and painting eastereggs... wish you the best for your throat. kiss

SO I am sitting her only a little tipsy meh, but hey had a fair bit to drink saw 2 girls kiss which was like well now that was unexpected lol, all in all was a very good evening, was a guy from works 21st and was half priced drinks
which is always nice, donno how much i drank but it was wood stock aftert...
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Town tomorrow, bills and all the other fun things I need to pay... Though there is a few good things I am looking forward to
, One might get a couple of new shirts and 2 will go and see becks and see if she wants to go have coffee sometime
Thinking of getting myself an Ipod sometime aswell, donno if I will or...
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Thinking of getting myself an Ipod sometime aswell, donno if I will or...
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First things first I HATE CUPBOARDS!!!!! *finds giant hammer and destroys every cupboard I can find*, so yeah cupboards seem to be the bane of my work environent, we either get really shit ones in that are actually quite sturdy, then we get supposed good ones in that are crappily put together or just crap ones that are ok to put together except the sides...
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