Cannot stop listening to this album. It's actually perfect. @lu_doll if you haven't listened to them yet I will fight you.
Saw my favourite band of all time, Incubus.
Dressed up like an idiot and played a gig with a "joke" band
Dem abs (sort of)
Went to Vegas
Craziest night clubs
Went to a bucks party, then backed it up with the cricket World Cup final and my second favourite band of all time, Emery
Spent Easter at home (here home) watching Game of Thrones, Parks & Recreation and Archer, + movies, and playing Destiny.
Took so many cat pictures
Possibly got sort of? Promoted today.
Met a Tinder girl. Who know's.
First game of soccer at a new club, and seeing Architects and Being As An Ocean on Sunday. With the object of my last blog. Who has really been ramming home the "we are friends now" thing, even though I totally dig her but haven't been letting on that I do. Meh.