Eventually this site will boot me off for talking about the same sad story over and over again. Hopefully this is the last you'll hear of it from me.
Before we broke up, she tried to break up with me 2 or 3 times previously. So by the time I got home that day and she was sitting on the couch with all of her things moved in to the spare bedroom to tell me again, I kind of just gave in.
The time prior to this, she'd written me a letter. I never read the letter. By reading the letter, I was acknowledging that it was over. I was fighting every time, pleading and convincing her that whatever things she needed to learn about life and herself, she could do with me by her side. I didn't ever read the letter. Only in the days before she finally moved out did she read it out loud to me, whilst intermittently sobbing.
I wrote my reply tonight.
Over the past couple of months, she'd been sending me a text every few weeks. Firstly asking how I was, but quickly getting down to business. We had a loan in both of our names and she wants to move on and do something else, but can't with this hanging over her head. So she directs conversation to this quickly and then stops responding once I've told her the status of it being sorted.
It's now sorted. It took maxing out my credit card, getting another one and maxing that out, and spending all of my savings to pay it out. Plus a $1000 body corporate bill due on Friday for my property in Townsville. Not a good month.
So basically my reply was to tell her she no longer needed to feel obligated to talk to me, only so she could steer the conversation towards asking me to sort this out.
I apologized for all of the things that I've realized after being able to reflect upon it for the past 6 months, and then told her we could never be friends.