Some bad things about me
I compulsively refresh pages all day long for updates.
I compulsively smell my wrist underneath my watch. It's gross but it's like an addiction.
I compulsively pluck hairs out of my chest/neck/shoulders with my fingernails. It's not so much a desire to be hairless. There's just some satisfaction in doing it.
I have HORRIBLE skin. I always have. I used to be a freckly child until I became a teenager and the freckles got replaced with pimples. I went on various medications, some of which could produce pretty scary side effects, so I stopped taking them. Proactiv's probably the best thing I've found but unfortunately I can't afford it. I'm 25 years old and would like it to go away now k plz thx.
This has left me with scars.
My hair goes grey in places. Maybe from stress?
I fixate on girls with boyfriends.. far too often.
I hate practicing anything.
I thought I would be good at tennis after watching it on TV. Turns out I'm really really poor at tennis.
I have a terrible diet and probably have all sorts of problems on the inside ie. high cholesterol, diabetes, probably.. blocked arteries.
Consequently I've started getting a little fat for the first time in my life. Despite eating more vegetables than I ever have before (even if they are tiny little portions).
I don't really have anything that makes me all that happy that I want to spend my days doing. I hate sitting around the house all day but am too lazy to do anything about it.
I'm really bad at ironing clothes.
Some good things about me
This could be subjective I suppose..
I'll always be there for you.
I'm a pretty good singer, though I thrive on performing and flounder at practices or in recording situations.
I put lots of thought in to gifts.
I want to be a better person.. which I guess is good in the sense that.. I have goals.. or something. Maybe that shouldn't go in this list.
I have great eyesight.
And vision.. which is different, if you know what I mean.
Whenever I have a job, I always work really hard, and strive to be really good at what I do, even if I think I'm the only one who sees it.
I have great reflexes and catching skills. This comes in handy when I knock stuff off benches etc. and I can catch it before it hits the ground. Or getting a jump on bogans at traffic lights before they decide they need to be big men and speed to pass me. I always laugh at that.
I like to be organised.
I am pretty good at bowling on Wii Sports.
I'm a pretty good typer. I can touch-type and do it with speed and without looking at the keys! Yay!
I am a bit of a spelling and grammar nazi. And therefore appreciates someone else who writes well, or at least appreciates my ability to do so.
Random things about me
I quite like Transformers.. and have gone through stages of reading extensive detail on Wikipedia about the lore, the back stories, the Matrix of Leadership.. it's all pretty geeky.
My dad gave me his car when he decided that my car was costing too much money, and that he didn't need a sports car to go on dates with anymore since he had found his current wife. Now I get to use it for dates.
I always want to have the best technology. I have spent countless thousands of dollars on televisions and phones and computers. It's time for a new phone and I've been researching for weeks to get the coolest thing out there.
It took me a year of courage to get my labret pierced, and an extra year to get my lip pierced. I think that after several years I am ready to get the other side of my lip done. If I can spare $40.
I don't have a birthmark.. although I always thought that I had found a little one on my penis. Many many years of being single and I think I might have rubbed it off.. haha.
I really enjoy playing indoor soccer. However our Wednesday night team is currently up in the air due to the departure of members. We were called "Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch".
I have a few scars. I have one on my abdomen from a hernia I had when I was about 6 or 7. One on my left foot from where I had a catfish spur taken out of me. One above my left eye from a mosh pit accident, and one on my forehead from when I pulled a speaker on to myself at work (see old blogs).
I could probably eat KFC every meal of every day. But try and keep it to maybe once a fortnight. I'm poor.
I'm poor.
I want to move to Brisbane.
I like decor and furniture and catalogues and love going through catalogues and thinking about what I'd like to buy and how I'd place it in a room. I'm rearranging my bedroom when I wake up.
I miss my dog peanut.
I'm pretty short.
My Chucks have pink shoelaces.
I own a GHD hair straightener.
I don't care if people call me emo, as long as they aren't directing at me in a negative way.
I want my name to be Spaghetti (if you get this one then we will be besties for life)
I may have a crush on someone. Who has a boyfriend. Who lives in Brisbane.
add me to msn yo...
sweet talk me.
i smell my belly botton, same as the wrist i bet
i am also poor at tennis
love going for complicated reltaionships
love popping pimples and not just my own
who irons clothes?
i have poor eyesight, hence the glasses and good vision (i get ya)
i always make people gifts and love buying people things, though i walk away cos i dont care about their reaction
i am clumsy and have bruises all over me, i bruise really easily, like a peach
i love making lists
i suck at typing
i want a ghd
i can cry tears of blood
my finger is all red hot and swollen for no reason and hurts like a bitch
and i really enjoyed this blog