I'm quite perplexed at the fact that it's only Friday night and I still my fucked up working week is only one day old. There's nothing to look forward to! I will at least get the day to myself tomorrow to relax. I've been busy every single day lately and then either going to work or going out at night. I hate being bored but I really do appreciate my alone time.
I got a fucked up email yesterday, making me out to be a dickhead. And I don't even want to reply to it at the moment, even though I wont get to see her for 4 months unless I go and visit tomorrow. And as previously stated, I really want a day to myself. Yes, I'm a shit friend. For today anyway.
Pointless blog.
So we're talking again. And it's cool. And I'm glad. Because I only get her for another 2 weeks.
Last night I got too drunk and tired at Little Birdy and had to go and sit down. I completely missed the Middle East's set because I was drinking with new friends. I ate awesome wedges. Most of last night's experiences don't involve me so I don't feel like I should be commenting on them.
Stupid, stupid blog. Baaahhhh.
OK I've decided I need to edit and add in a very ranty kind of way. I know this guy. Met him through friends. And I'm only researching (stalking) him on myspace at this very moment because he came up in conversation last night having had relations with a girl I met last night, a Rebel Belle mind you (he is 18, she is 25). And friend says that he's been a dick to her since and instead chasing after girls younger than him, which I guess isn't that bad considering he's only 18. But you should see this other girl...
Anyway, I've just noticed how through reading the comments on his page, and by looking at the pictures these 16-17 year old girls have of him in their pics section, that everyone just thinks that he's this fucking awesome drummer, this rock god. Hell - I fell for it too! So much so that I auditioned him for my band (which is now complete, thankyou very much). And he is SHIIIIIITTTTT. No rhythm. No timing. Can't count to four and come in at a suitable time. Add's an extra bar on to drum rolls when not only is it not needed, it's just fucking wrong. He tries hard, and his heart's in it, but he's just not good at all. And it just makes me wonder if anyone has actually HEARD him play, or that because he's an attractive boy that they just don't care that he's shit. Or that they're just incredibly under educated about music/rhythm/drums. Wannabe groupies.
The biggest farce is a guy on there who I've known of but never actually known. He went to my school and was a grade or two ahead of me. He's now this DJ pretty well-known around town, and a former bass player for some pretty tight bands back in his younger days. He wants to start a band with him! He's going to be so disappointed. Fuck I'm a bitch.
And I'm sick of being added by random underage cute girls who have no intention on ever speaking to me. You've had your chance. Now you get deleted.
I got a fucked up email yesterday, making me out to be a dickhead. And I don't even want to reply to it at the moment, even though I wont get to see her for 4 months unless I go and visit tomorrow. And as previously stated, I really want a day to myself. Yes, I'm a shit friend. For today anyway.
Pointless blog.
So we're talking again. And it's cool. And I'm glad. Because I only get her for another 2 weeks.
Last night I got too drunk and tired at Little Birdy and had to go and sit down. I completely missed the Middle East's set because I was drinking with new friends. I ate awesome wedges. Most of last night's experiences don't involve me so I don't feel like I should be commenting on them.
Stupid, stupid blog. Baaahhhh.
OK I've decided I need to edit and add in a very ranty kind of way. I know this guy. Met him through friends. And I'm only researching (stalking) him on myspace at this very moment because he came up in conversation last night having had relations with a girl I met last night, a Rebel Belle mind you (he is 18, she is 25). And friend says that he's been a dick to her since and instead chasing after girls younger than him, which I guess isn't that bad considering he's only 18. But you should see this other girl...
Anyway, I've just noticed how through reading the comments on his page, and by looking at the pictures these 16-17 year old girls have of him in their pics section, that everyone just thinks that he's this fucking awesome drummer, this rock god. Hell - I fell for it too! So much so that I auditioned him for my band (which is now complete, thankyou very much). And he is SHIIIIIITTTTT. No rhythm. No timing. Can't count to four and come in at a suitable time. Add's an extra bar on to drum rolls when not only is it not needed, it's just fucking wrong. He tries hard, and his heart's in it, but he's just not good at all. And it just makes me wonder if anyone has actually HEARD him play, or that because he's an attractive boy that they just don't care that he's shit. Or that they're just incredibly under educated about music/rhythm/drums. Wannabe groupies.
The biggest farce is a guy on there who I've known of but never actually known. He went to my school and was a grade or two ahead of me. He's now this DJ pretty well-known around town, and a former bass player for some pretty tight bands back in his younger days. He wants to start a band with him! He's going to be so disappointed. Fuck I'm a bitch.
And I'm sick of being added by random underage cute girls who have no intention on ever speaking to me. You've had your chance. Now you get deleted.
oh. my. god. i've been all stalkery on myspace since sunday. i'm pathetic and i know it but i don't care cos at least i know the truth
your situation with your friend is so my situation at current
i hate everything. lets cut ourselves together.

Heyyy let me know what dates youll be in sydney and i can help you get drunk!