It's official. I'm a total homo. I Realise That in my "Current Crush" section I have listed Patrick Fugit. But in the past three nights I've watched Almost Famous and Saved. And I fuckin LOVE HIM!
So I have a little man-crush.
It's not like we're going to get married...
I say that a lot. Once at work this manager pointed out some hot girl. And she had to be about 16. And I said "she's a bit young don't you think?" to which he replied "pfft.. It's not like we're going to get married".
He got fired for bringing a boat that he was building to work and working on it in the stock room instead of.. working.
He smelled really damn bad.
So I have a little man-crush.
It's not like we're going to get married...
I say that a lot. Once at work this manager pointed out some hot girl. And she had to be about 16. And I said "she's a bit young don't you think?" to which he replied "pfft.. It's not like we're going to get married".
He got fired for bringing a boat that he was building to work and working on it in the stock room instead of.. working.
He smelled really damn bad.
I'm going into work tomorrow... so maybe I will get it.
Not an eedgit at all!!
(man-crush boy!! )