I don't feel like doing ANYTHING today. So what's new? I always do this. I'm feeling bored, lazy, hungry, dirty (even though I showered not 11 hours ago, and most of those 11 hours were spent in bed sleeping). I can't go to the toilet because I left my groceries at work and have no toilet paper. I have to go call this club about a gig, because for the mean time, Brett is still in our band. I need company. I need friends who don't have jobs. Or I need a proper day time job. I have this theory that if I move out of home and in with some other people, I'd force myself to live normal hours and be more sociable. I'd have to be awake when they were so I didn't miss out on all the house shenanigans, and I'd be more responsible with money, because right now I am not. I am currently owed: $30 from Leah, $30 from Nai, and I'd say about $55 from Todd, but I really don't even care if I get the money back. I'd waste it instead of paying bills.
Ok. MUST MAKE A MOVE. Must get dressed. Must fix hair. Must get toilet paper and lunch, and come home and put my clothes away, and tidy and clean my bathroom. Must call club. Must listen to tracks and decide what works and what doesn't work.
God that sounds like the least fun ever.
Ok. MUST MAKE A MOVE. Must get dressed. Must fix hair. Must get toilet paper and lunch, and come home and put my clothes away, and tidy and clean my bathroom. Must call club. Must listen to tracks and decide what works and what doesn't work.
God that sounds like the least fun ever.
maybe my cycle of going to bed at 4am and waking up at midday is my calling to keep that pattern and move to LA..
...or maybe not