Apparently I have to DO this now.
Seven Things To Do Before I Die
+ get married
+ have awesome babies whom I teach to be cooler than me
+ be fulfilled in a job
+ band monies
+ make out with Ashlee Simpson
+ own my own house
+ meet Leah
Seven Things I Cannot Do
+ wash dishes in a sink without cursing
+ ovulate
+ dye my own hair
+ believe the hype
+ take someone home for sex
+ eat pork
+ take a cock without lube
Seven Things I Say usually to my cats: READ dog
+ she's so priiddddyyyyy
+ you're fat!
+ no
+ do you have to sit on top of me
+ God! you're insatiable!
+ don't lick me there
+ you love me when no one else will
Seven Good Books
I choose not to answer this question because my apparent intellect will lose all credibility by listing music catalogues as good books.
Seven Good Movies
+ Amelie
+ The Life Aquaitc
+ Garden State
+ Sin City
+ Donnie Darko
+ Clerks
+ Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind
Seven Persons To Tag (in an effort to not tag those who have already completed this survey....)
blackphoenix, francbert, Illixit, MissShell, musicsnob, Viiolaine and, umm.. Quinne
Why does mine say "things usually I say to my dog" when others say "things I usually say"? Dammit!
Seven Things To Do Before I Die
+ get married
+ have awesome babies whom I teach to be cooler than me
+ be fulfilled in a job
+ band monies
+ make out with Ashlee Simpson
+ own my own house
+ meet Leah
Seven Things I Cannot Do
+ wash dishes in a sink without cursing
+ ovulate
+ dye my own hair
+ believe the hype
+ take someone home for sex
+ eat pork
+ take a cock without lube
Seven Things I Say usually to my cats: READ dog
+ she's so priiddddyyyyy
+ you're fat!
+ no
+ do you have to sit on top of me
+ God! you're insatiable!
+ don't lick me there
+ you love me when no one else will
Seven Good Books
I choose not to answer this question because my apparent intellect will lose all credibility by listing music catalogues as good books.
Seven Good Movies
+ Amelie
+ The Life Aquaitc
+ Garden State
+ Sin City
+ Donnie Darko
+ Clerks
+ Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind
Seven Persons To Tag (in an effort to not tag those who have already completed this survey....)
blackphoenix, francbert, Illixit, MissShell, musicsnob, Viiolaine and, umm.. Quinne
Why does mine say "things usually I say to my dog" when others say "things I usually say"? Dammit!
Don't you hate it when street interviewers pass you by??!!!
Why are you up so late, young man??!!!
Surely you're not on eBay also!!??