Last night at work I had a bit of a run-in with a regular. A drunk regular. He had paint all over his face. It wasn't "I've been painting the walls and paint dripped on me" paint, and it wasn't "I'm painting my face so I look like Spidreman!" paint. It was just like a child (or perhaps a drunk man?) had gotten a paint brush and just mashed it onto his face. Green, red and purple. At first I just saw the red and avoided staring at him because I thought that he'd either had a fight with a fire, or fell off a bike and had a giant road burn scab on his face. Nope. Paint.
He called me out to pick a horror movie for him. Testing me. TESTING ME! What the fuck for? For starters, it isn't a prerequisite to love movies to work at Video Ezy. It seems like it should be. But it isn't. And I do love movies. I watch at least 4 a week because they're free. But I am yet to go through a horror movie phase in my viewing rotation, mostly because I see most violence as senseless, and with most of the scary movies I've seen, you can see the scare coming and it's predictable. I prefer a thriller over a horror. But I'm getting side tracked.
He tried to give me sales tips "because he likes me". Frankly, I don't really care whether he:
a) likes what I chose;
b) spends any money at all in our store, or;
c) thinks less of me for not pushing a sale.
I really don't care. It's just a job. It's not a career.
For a good 20 minutes, he quizzed me on whether I like to write, what I want to do with my life, and telling me that it's obvious that I'm smarter than anyone in the place, and that I should be something more than I am. How he gets this impression, I do not know. He said something about how I look everyone in the eye, regardless of whether they're a friend or a piece of shit who's probably going to cause trouble. I disagree with that! For the majority of my life I struggled with self esteem and confidence and wouldn't even look my mother in the eye when I spoke to her. Thankfully, I think I'm pretty hot shit these days, and actually look at people from time to time.
It was a crazy conversation. Quite often he'd ask me if I understood. And no one would've understood. Though he was saying words, and the sentances he was saying could pass as coherent, they were so vauge and lacking that I really had no clue what he was actually getting at. He offered to help me out with my aspirations, and gave me his phone number. At this point I figured - crazy cult? I started feeling both good about myself (that some random person sees something in me that I don't even see), and also like crap, because I'm 22, and I work a casual job, have no savings, no girlfriend, live at home, and am really going nowhere.
As he left he had a secondary conversation with another guy I work with, and told him about the field he works in, and that he earns $180k a year.
He dresses like a bum. I've never seen him wear shoes. And this one time I had to help him jumpstart his car because it's such an old piece of shit.
Apparently he works as a consultant to companies about employee suitability. Or something. In which case he had either already decided what job he could reccommend me to, or that he is actually just a crazy lunatic.
In other news... There isn't really any.
Last night at work I had a bit of a run-in with a regular. A drunk regular. He had paint all over his face. It wasn't "I've been painting the walls and paint dripped on me" paint, and it wasn't "I'm painting my face so I look like Spidreman!" paint. It was just like a child (or perhaps a drunk man?) had gotten a paint brush and just mashed it onto his face. Green, red and purple. At first I just saw the red and avoided staring at him because I thought that he'd either had a fight with a fire, or fell off a bike and had a giant road burn scab on his face. Nope. Paint.
He called me out to pick a horror movie for him. Testing me. TESTING ME! What the fuck for? For starters, it isn't a prerequisite to love movies to work at Video Ezy. It seems like it should be. But it isn't. And I do love movies. I watch at least 4 a week because they're free. But I am yet to go through a horror movie phase in my viewing rotation, mostly because I see most violence as senseless, and with most of the scary movies I've seen, you can see the scare coming and it's predictable. I prefer a thriller over a horror. But I'm getting side tracked.
He tried to give me sales tips "because he likes me". Frankly, I don't really care whether he:
a) likes what I chose;
b) spends any money at all in our store, or;
c) thinks less of me for not pushing a sale.
I really don't care. It's just a job. It's not a career.
For a good 20 minutes, he quizzed me on whether I like to write, what I want to do with my life, and telling me that it's obvious that I'm smarter than anyone in the place, and that I should be something more than I am. How he gets this impression, I do not know. He said something about how I look everyone in the eye, regardless of whether they're a friend or a piece of shit who's probably going to cause trouble. I disagree with that! For the majority of my life I struggled with self esteem and confidence and wouldn't even look my mother in the eye when I spoke to her. Thankfully, I think I'm pretty hot shit these days, and actually look at people from time to time.
It was a crazy conversation. Quite often he'd ask me if I understood. And no one would've understood. Though he was saying words, and the sentances he was saying could pass as coherent, they were so vauge and lacking that I really had no clue what he was actually getting at. He offered to help me out with my aspirations, and gave me his phone number. At this point I figured - crazy cult? I started feeling both good about myself (that some random person sees something in me that I don't even see), and also like crap, because I'm 22, and I work a casual job, have no savings, no girlfriend, live at home, and am really going nowhere.
As he left he had a secondary conversation with another guy I work with, and told him about the field he works in, and that he earns $180k a year.
He dresses like a bum. I've never seen him wear shoes. And this one time I had to help him jumpstart his car because it's such an old piece of shit.
Apparently he works as a consultant to companies about employee suitability. Or something. In which case he had either already decided what job he could reccommend me to, or that he is actually just a crazy lunatic.
In other news... There isn't really any.
wow, I don't really know what to say!
Of course. Scaring kiddies is tops.