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I just learned it isn't wise to try and maintain multiple Tinder conversations simultaneously.
You WILL end up sending the wrong thing to the wrong person. There's no deleting of messages. Only deleting of your chances for love.
Cannot stop listening to this album. It's actually perfect. @lu_doll if you haven't listened to them yet I will fight you.
Saw my favourite band of all time, Incubus.
Dressed up like an idiot and played a gig with a "joke" band
Dem abs (sort of)
Went to Vegas
Craziest night clubs
Went to a bucks party, then backed it up with the cricket World
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The hardest part to fix.
In my overly-analytical mind, there are two parts to this. The first of which is attraction.
For someone to be attracted to you, it doesn't really have that much to do with physical looks. Lord knows I'm not classically "handsome". But being comfortable and accepting in yourself and confident in spite of anything else is what makes someone attractive. Personally,...
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I saw Incubus tonight. My favourite band since I was 15.
It was the greatest.
Tomorrow won't be so great.
Not much for these things but damn.. @bettierose. Just friggin look at her. My god.
In stupid news, some guys from work and I started a fake band as an elaborate joke on a friend of ours to make him think we were going to play at his wedding. Except now we are hiring rehearsal studios and learning bad covers of bad songs "sung" by
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Catchy title? Get your attention?
I do like the part where she crawls up in to my lap for a cuddle. It would, admittedly, be preferable if a human lady love were in her place.
Time to hide away in my home for the next 6 weeks, watch all of the movies, re-watch all of the shows. Spending money on unsuccessful first dates...
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Dating is the pits. At what point is it acceptable to give up and buy a mail-order bride?
On this day 31 years ago, at around 2am, I said hello to my mummy and daddy for the first time.
Today, 31 years on, I experiemced probably my quietest and yet probably most emotionally-draining birthday yet.
I wasn't expecting a lot to be perfectly honest. I knew that it was my first in 6 years alone. My first ever completely alone (as I hadn't...
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I'm off to Sydney for the weekend tomorrow.
The main reason is to see Say Anything. Yes, they're playing I'm Melbourne too, but it was a trade-off with @lu_doll for when she came here to see Anberlin a few weeks back. It'll also be good to have a day off work tomorrow, and a weekend away.
It's my birthday on Tuesday and it is the...
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