right seeing as i have been a lazy bastard and not bothered to do much with my page im sure this wont get read but here it goes. amazingly in my time off from uni i have compiled a double CD of all my favourite nine inch nails songs and here it is tell me what ya think or what i have left off.......................
Disc 1 Disc 2
Pinion (broken) 2 Happiness in slavery (broken
Closer (downward spiral) 2The collector (with teeth)
Down in it (pretty hate m...) 2 Wish (Broken)
all the love in the world (with t.)2 March of the pigs (spiral)
into the void (the fragile) 2Head like a hole (pretty hate
where is everybody (fragile) 2The prefect drug (lost highwa
im looking forward..(fragile) 2 SunSpots (with teeth)
the hand that feeds (with teeth)2closer to god (remix)
even deeper (the fragile) 2 heresy (spiral)
you know what...(with teeth) 2 piggy (spiral)
last (broken) 2 only (with teeth)
burn (natural born killers) 2 heresy (remix)
ruiner (spiral) 2 sin (pretty hate machine)
starfuckers, inc (fragile) 2 terrible lie (pretty hate)
help me i am in hell (broken) 2 somewhat damaged (fragile)
leaving hope (?) 2 everyday is exactly the..(with
right where it belongs (with t..2 hurt live (futher down the spiral
the frail (the fragile)
thats it, i like listening to it right now, didnt realise how much i liked the latest album till i saw this, hope everyones super. take it easy
Disc 1 Disc 2
Pinion (broken) 2 Happiness in slavery (broken
Closer (downward spiral) 2The collector (with teeth)
Down in it (pretty hate m...) 2 Wish (Broken)
all the love in the world (with t.)2 March of the pigs (spiral)
into the void (the fragile) 2Head like a hole (pretty hate
where is everybody (fragile) 2The prefect drug (lost highwa
im looking forward..(fragile) 2 SunSpots (with teeth)
the hand that feeds (with teeth)2closer to god (remix)
even deeper (the fragile) 2 heresy (spiral)
you know what...(with teeth) 2 piggy (spiral)
last (broken) 2 only (with teeth)
burn (natural born killers) 2 heresy (remix)
ruiner (spiral) 2 sin (pretty hate machine)
starfuckers, inc (fragile) 2 terrible lie (pretty hate)
help me i am in hell (broken) 2 somewhat damaged (fragile)
leaving hope (?) 2 everyday is exactly the..(with
right where it belongs (with t..2 hurt live (futher down the spiral
the frail (the fragile)
thats it, i like listening to it right now, didnt realise how much i liked the latest album till i saw this, hope everyones super. take it easy

im doing good thank U, actually im doing really fucking good
wen did u see mein town?? sorry i must have beenin a world of my own, i try and block out the twats i always seem to be surrounded by in that town!
where u livig now??
theres a party going on at tom riddouts on saturday, u going?? shud be good and its his leaving party.
seen shiv recently?? heard she was working in taunton?! is been so long since iv seen her.
well i shud be working, so i'll catch u laterz..
take it easy cutie pie
is that kiri in the pic with u??
[Edited on Apr 14, 2006 6:19AM]