I thought it would be nice to share a little about the day I shot my first set, which went up today! Some funny things happened while shooting.
So when I showed up to meet with my friends I was thinking we were going to shoot at a band practice space. And my friend Glew said we should go check this outdoor spot. Which is actually called the "Bum Trail." It's an open trail. So we went to look and see how much foot traffic there was. It was right on a bike trail, fairly nice day, but seemed quiet enough. We pretty much planned it so that if needed one of the guys could just toss me my hoodie to 'cover' up.
I believe this was when some lady was across the bike path playing with her dogs. As she started to look at us I think she sort of figured out what was up and took off! A little later a couple guys came running by. I got a thumbs up! That was cute and made me giggle.
But the BEST part... So when we first arrived there was this bum style home near by. We went close and looked thinking no one was there. Near the end of the shoot I look over and out of the tarp I see a head popping up watching us! I was naked and doing all sorts of poses by then! I was just like guys umm... They asked if I wanted to leave and I said no. There wasn't any way at that point I could just stop when we were almost done! So I finished the last few shots and I saw him pull his tarp on his head and watch me through a hole! Certainly made that shoot for the day very interesting!
And aside from all that, my guild in WoW got first alliance kill in the new firelands 25 man raid!!!
We were second because a horde guild was already mostly through the new dungeon, but I am very stoked! A great alliance first!
Also thanks again for all the set love everyone! Honestly, there is no way I can be pink without all your support! So thank you! xoxox
So when I showed up to meet with my friends I was thinking we were going to shoot at a band practice space. And my friend Glew said we should go check this outdoor spot. Which is actually called the "Bum Trail." It's an open trail. So we went to look and see how much foot traffic there was. It was right on a bike trail, fairly nice day, but seemed quiet enough. We pretty much planned it so that if needed one of the guys could just toss me my hoodie to 'cover' up.
I believe this was when some lady was across the bike path playing with her dogs. As she started to look at us I think she sort of figured out what was up and took off! A little later a couple guys came running by. I got a thumbs up! That was cute and made me giggle.
But the BEST part... So when we first arrived there was this bum style home near by. We went close and looked thinking no one was there. Near the end of the shoot I look over and out of the tarp I see a head popping up watching us! I was naked and doing all sorts of poses by then! I was just like guys umm... They asked if I wanted to leave and I said no. There wasn't any way at that point I could just stop when we were almost done! So I finished the last few shots and I saw him pull his tarp on his head and watch me through a hole! Certainly made that shoot for the day very interesting!
And aside from all that, my guild in WoW got first alliance kill in the new firelands 25 man raid!!!
Also thanks again for all the set love everyone! Honestly, there is no way I can be pink without all your support! So thank you! xoxox
im so happy your set has gotten a lot of positive feedback!