Whoooo!!! What a fantastic day it has been. I went into work ready to get stuff done and busted it all out so fast. Pretty much left myself with nothing to do. My boss was very stoked and then sent me home way early!
So even though the sun was out, I was good and went to the gym. And while there I had more good news. Well, the past month and half I have really been pushing myself to be healthier and more active. I have lost about 5 pounds!!!!!! Eating mostly health and working out 4-5 days a week is finally starting to pay off. And I by no means think I am fat or anything, I just want to feel good about myself. And I also want to look my best for all of you! <3 It really is a satisfying feeling to know that I have worked hard for something and it's now showing!
Tomorrow will be great as well!!! I know the sun is going to be out and it will be at least 70 here in Seattle. Thursdays are the best day of the week for me because I am off work and I do not raid!!! I raid three days a week luckily! (raid, yes I said raid, WoW!)
I think I am going to make tacos tomorrow!! They are my favorite!!! And then take my cat out for a cat walk! lol, which means watching him chase leaves and bugs!
P.S. These Suicide Girls are so damn beautiful! Hopefully I can join them!
So even though the sun was out, I was good and went to the gym. And while there I had more good news. Well, the past month and half I have really been pushing myself to be healthier and more active. I have lost about 5 pounds!!!!!! Eating mostly health and working out 4-5 days a week is finally starting to pay off. And I by no means think I am fat or anything, I just want to feel good about myself. And I also want to look my best for all of you! <3 It really is a satisfying feeling to know that I have worked hard for something and it's now showing!
Tomorrow will be great as well!!! I know the sun is going to be out and it will be at least 70 here in Seattle. Thursdays are the best day of the week for me because I am off work and I do not raid!!! I raid three days a week luckily! (raid, yes I said raid, WoW!)
I think I am going to make tacos tomorrow!! They are my favorite!!! And then take my cat out for a cat walk! lol, which means watching him chase leaves and bugs!
P.S. These Suicide Girls are so damn beautiful! Hopefully I can join them!
I play on Kil'Jaeden. Do you play Horde or Alliance? If you don't mind what is your raid progression so far?
We are 26th on our server with 3/13 on Horde side. My raid group is 1/13 so far but I believe this is the third week we've been raiding together. The guild had switched to 25's when I joined and people didn't show or didn't perform so they went back to 10's. We started Atr last night but one of our healers kept dying before the first air phase every time.... I think we'll probably work on Conclave tonight.