Ok.. update proper:
I've got back from the most wonderful week away at my ladies place.. it was her birthday and I got her some really cool earrings and a wicked fold-up chair for her to take to festivals.. both of which she was really pleased with..
I had an interview while I was down there, which was the wierdest fucking thing ever! I was literally in and out in about 20 minutes.. in my previous experience I've never even had a phone interview finish that quickly!! Anyway, so I figured I just wasn't suitable and pretty much wrote it off, but then on my return train journey I got a call from the Head of the department saying he wanted to call me up on monday to clarify a few things! What this means precisely I have no idea, I think the girl who interviewed me hadn't done many interviews before because I seemed to be asking all the questions so perhaps there were a few things this guy needs to know that she missed. Surely though, the fact I got the further call means I must be up for consideration?? (fingers crossed!)
I've been listening to the new SOAD album.. which brings many smiles to my face
I've also just abandoned the Times crossword.. it's far too fucking hard. Bastards!
ps. Driving test booked for the 26th of next month, so bolt your doors!
I've got back from the most wonderful week away at my ladies place.. it was her birthday and I got her some really cool earrings and a wicked fold-up chair for her to take to festivals.. both of which she was really pleased with..

I had an interview while I was down there, which was the wierdest fucking thing ever! I was literally in and out in about 20 minutes.. in my previous experience I've never even had a phone interview finish that quickly!! Anyway, so I figured I just wasn't suitable and pretty much wrote it off, but then on my return train journey I got a call from the Head of the department saying he wanted to call me up on monday to clarify a few things! What this means precisely I have no idea, I think the girl who interviewed me hadn't done many interviews before because I seemed to be asking all the questions so perhaps there were a few things this guy needs to know that she missed. Surely though, the fact I got the further call means I must be up for consideration?? (fingers crossed!)
I've been listening to the new SOAD album.. which brings many smiles to my face

I've also just abandoned the Times crossword.. it's far too fucking hard. Bastards!

ps. Driving test booked for the 26th of next month, so bolt your doors!

Okay thats too bizarre. i went away for my guy's b-day.

thanks for the birthday well wishes!